I loved this as a kid and know the recipe is in the Edmunds book. I have recently moved house and cannot find my book. Can anyone please post recipe here so I can pass on this yummy cake to my kids. I remember the Marshmellow is made with a jelly?. Thanks in advance.
May 22, 7:36am
125 g butter; 225 g flour; 125 g sugar; 1 t baking powder; 1/2 t vanilla; 1 egg Cream butter and sugar add essence.Add egg then sifted dry ingredients. Press into swiss roll tin and bake 20 - 30 mins at 180 C
Filling soak 1 packet lemon or raspberry jelly crystals in 1 1/2 c cold water for 10 minutes and boil exactly 8 mins without stirring.Leave till cool,add 1 c icing sugar and beat till stiff.Spread on shortcake mixture and sprinkle with coconut or ice with chocolate icing and sprinkle with chopped nuts.
May 22, 8:06am
Many Thanks. Looks like some baking this week.
May 22, 8:20am
I make my marshmallow shortcake a little differently after my huby telling me it tasted quite bland!I now make a chocolate crunch bass, making it as usual but then I make the marshmallow topping and pour that on top once its cooled.Either coconut or 100s & 1000s finishes it off - depending on whether its for adults or kids.Hmmm - might need to make this for morning tea this week..
May 22, 9:07am
you can alsomakeawhitemarshmellowandicingwithchocolateicing
May 22, 11:08am
Tip that I have found helpful: If you are making the Edmonds recipe use the old number 2 topping version with the gelatine, rather than the pkt of jelly crystals version. This method is a little bit firmer, and holds its shape better, the jelly version can be a bit stickier. I have coloured it pink if desired but quite often make it white and just sprinkle chocolate hail over the top. If I am icing it I tend to use a choc/kremelta mix topping that just pours over the set marshmallow.
May 22, 11:15am
Edmonds #2 filling/topping method: 2 dessertspoons gelatine 1 cup cold water 1 cup sugar 1 egg white 1 cup icing sugar soften gelatine in cold water and boil 8 mins. Cool. Beat white of egg stiff, fold in icing sugar, then slowly pour in cooled gelatine. Beat until white and thick (about 3mins) Spread on shortcake immediately. Ice with chocolate icing.
May 22, 7:12pm
try spreading rasperry jam on the base once it is cooled and then also add a little raspberry essence to the marshmellow,this just gives it a little more interest
May 22, 8:19pm
Have never made this, might be time I did.
May 22, 8:34pm
Jelly is not setting like it did when that book was printed. I would cut back on the water by 1/3rd at least.or make the recipe, ....kinna54....has posted.
May 22, 8:57pm
Thanks pickles7
May 22, 9:15pm
oh yes i want to try this.. i have never used gelatine before though - is there any thing i need to know/ be careful about? it seems like such a mysterious ingredient haha
There is a recipe around that doesn't have the egg white, (it has exactly the same method) but I haven't tried that, and I only post what I have tried. I believe the egg white in marshmallow may be for the stability of the mix?, all I know is it is the recipe that works for me, and one I have used many times over the years. The icing/ topping I use if desired is: 200gms choc chips, 65gms kremelta, melted together, cooled (but don't let it start to set) and poured over the marshmallow.
May 23, 2:57am
ionlyputwhatihavetriedaswellbecausetheyareinmyhand writtencookbookwhichisatleast30yearsItis4tlbspcoldwater1tlbspgelentinesoakfor10minadd2cupssugar8tlbspsboiling waterBring to theboilcoolbeatuntil thick
May 23, 7:16am
I loved this as a kid and know the recipe is in the Edmunds book. I have recently moved house and cannot find my book. Can anyone please post recipe here so I can pass on this yummy cake to my kids. I remember the Marshmellow is made with a jelly!. Thanks in advance.
May 23, 8:20am
I make my marshmallow shortcake a little differently after my huby telling me it tasted quite bland!I now make a chocolate crunch bass, making it as usual but then I make the marshmallow topping and pour that on top once its cooled.Either coconut or 100s & 1000s finishes it off - depending on whether its for adults or kids.Hmmm - might need to make this for morning tea this week.
May 23, 10:19am
Couldn't help myself.Had to make one tonight.Chocolately crunch on the bottom with fluffy pink marshmallow on top.Yum.
My marshmallow recipe 1 cup water, 1 cup sugar, 2 desertspoons gelatine.Mix together then boil for 6 mins.Cool.Add 1 cup icing sugar and beat until fluffy.Makes enough for a standard lamington pan/slice tray - ends up about a cm thick.(colouring if wished - add with icing sugar).The easiest marshmallow I've ever seen and its sooo creamy too.
May 23, 1:25pm
An easy and tried and true way for the marshmallow is below - I don't use egg whites or add any extra sugar once the mix has simmered 8 minutes.. it's ready to beat well to make your marshmallow topping..
Place 1 cup cold water, 1 cup sugar and 1 & 1/2 tablespoons of gelatine in a saucepan.. bring to a boil slowly, stirring constantly until the sugar and gelatine have dissolved. Simmer 8 minutes without stirring. Remove from the stove and set aside to cool until it's just beginning to wobble a bit, like a half set jelly. Place in a mixer bowl (or use a hand-mixer) and beat at the fastest speed until very thick and the mix stays on a spoon when you turn it upside down. Without stopping the beater, add a little food colouring if you want.. Spread quickly over the shortcake base, or cake or slice mix.. It's easy to work with and sets quickly.
Marshmallows - as sweets: You can also place this mix in a baking tin that has been rinsed with cold water - then the water quickly shaken out (not dried - the water stops the mix sticking to the side of the tin) and the marshmallow poured in. Smooth the top and add chocolate chips or coconut if you want.
Place in your fridge and once set firmly, cut into small squares and roll in coconut.. and you've made your own marshmallows.. enjoy :-)
Adding.. both the marshmallow shortcake, and the marshmallows as sweets, freeze beautifully - and thaw in minutes for a special treat.. actually they taste great straight from the freezer.. :-)
May 23, 8:34pm
Jelly is not setting like it did when that book was printed. I would cut back on the water by 1/3rd at least.or make the recipe, .kinna54.has posted.
May 23, 9:15pm
oh yes i want to try this. i have never used gelatine before though - is there any thing i need to know/ be careful about! it seems like such a mysterious ingredient haha
May 24, 1:49am
There is a recipe around that doesn't have the egg white, (it has exactly the same method) but I haven't tried that, and I only post what I have tried. I believe the egg white in marshmallow may be for the stability of the mix!, all I know is it is the recipe that works for me, and one I have used many times over the years. The icing/ topping I use if desired is: 200gms choc chips, 65gms kremelta, melted together, cooled (but don't let it start to set) and poured over the marshmallow.
May 24, 10:19am
Couldn't help myself.Had to make one tonight.Chocolately crunch on the bottom with fluffy pink marshmallow on top.Yum.
My marshmallow recipe 1 cup water, 1 cup sugar, 2 desertspoons gelatine.Mix together then boil for 6 mins.Cool.Add 1 cup icing sugar and beat until fluffy.Makes enough for a standard lamington pan/slice tray - ends up about a cm thick.(colouring if wished - add with icing sugar).The easiest marshmallow I've ever seen and its sooo creamy too.
Edited to add: use electric mixer.I use Kenwood.
May 24, 1:25pm
An easy and tried and true way for the marshmallow is below - I don't use egg whites or add any extra sugar once the mix has simmered 8 minutes. it's ready to cool then beat well to make your marshmallow topping.
Place 1 cup cold water, 1 cup sugar and 1 & 1/2 tablespoons of gelatine in a saucepan. bring to a boil slowly, stirring constantly until the sugar and gelatine have dissolved. Simmer 8 minutes without stirring. Remove from the stove and set aside to cool until it's just beginning to wobble a bit, like a half set jelly. Place in a mixer bowl (or use a hand-mixer) and beat at the fastest speed until very thick and the mix stays on a spoon when you turn it upside down. Without stopping the beater, add a little food colouring if you want. Spread quickly over the shortcake base, or cake or slice mix. It's easy to work with and sets quickly.
Marshmallows - as sweets: You can also place this mix in a baking tin that has been rinsed with cold water - then the water quickly shaken out (not dried - the water stops the mix sticking to the side of the tin) and the marshmallow poured in. Smooth the top and add chocolate chips or coconut if you want. Place in your fridge and once set firmly, cut into small squares and roll in coconut. and you've made your own marshmallows. enjoy :-)
Adding. both the marshmallow shortcake, and the marshmallows as sweets, freeze beautifully - and thaw in minutes for a special treat. actually they taste great straight from the freezer. :-)
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