Recipes to avoid gallstones!/ high colestroal (sp)
Aug 16, 5:23am
what recipes are great to try my father has been told he has gallstones and they are considering if it is a flare up or a time to remove them etc.
What I am wanting to do is get ready for him coming home and have some new recipes that we can cook. He loves his meat etc but only when he goes out on trips away etc for meals he eats fish and chips, chocolate, and other high fatty foods I guess I also am wondering what sort of takeaways would be good for him! he feels really down at the moment about it all but thought if I can get a mind set before he comes home it may all help also.
Aug 16, 5:39am
That food may have fat in it but it is also extremely high in carbohydrates - in fact higher in carbohydrates than it is in fat. Have you considered that the combination of carbs and fat, rather than just carbs or just fat, may be at the root of your father's problems! Also the fat in the foods you mentioned sounds like it is mostly trans and hydrogenated fats. Natural, healthy fats shouldn't cause the problems he is having.
Aug 16, 6:05am
I dont know I was thinking cutting any fat off any meat but then the meat we have is pretty lean anyway! I will get a few books out of the library. How does it go with sweet foods any okay recipes would be great as he is greatly into sweet foods.
oh some good 'unhealthy/treat' snacks that are safe are LCM bars Baked fruit bars Cruskits rice crackers
and sometimes hummus
Aug 16, 10:12am
Even as a kid I used to cut all the visible fat off any meat, be it chicken, ham, lamb, beef or pork - in fact my dad (and later my father-in-law) used to tell me I was wasting the best part of the meal by cutting the fat off, I have never liked pork crackling either and used to get told off for not eating that.Fast forward 60 years and I woke in agony at 3am, rushed by ambulance to hospital and after a scan was told I had gall stones.The surgeon said "we usually just treat people for the pain and send them home where they will have several more attacks while they wait for the operation - or we could remove your gall bladder tomorrow and you can go home two days later".I opted to stay and have the op.There was no discussion on what causes gall stones, or anything about foods to avoid after the operation, I was just told it is much more common in women than in men.The pain is indescribable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.I guess if I had been sent home without having the op, I would have been given a huge long list of foods to avoid.Having spoken to several people who are on the waiting list, I am so thankful I had my op done straight away.
Aug 16, 11:03am
do you know if any of this advice would be the same for Kidney stones!
Aug 16, 11:17am
Kidney stones just drink water then some more and more after that keep going.
Aug 16, 6:24pm
flare ups, when I had stones I was told by my gp that even a glass of water could cause the pain and infection as the gall bladder works to digest anything that enters the stomach. Subway wraps was one take away that I could have, all the best to your Dad.
Aug 17, 2:53am
I found that pastry and avocado were the worst, and also cream. Had my gall stones out pretty quickly. Now I can enjoy those treats again.
Aug 17, 5:07am
Interesting and there you are often telling me just how healthy you are on your diet.
Aug 17, 6:13pm
I had gall stones about 5 years ago, and I dont recall ever saying my diet is healthy,as mostly it is a seefood diet, I though am generally healthy, (touch wood!)
Aug 17, 10:17pm
Be mindful that gallstones are not always attributed to a poor diet. People with hypothyroidism can have gallbladder problems, no matter how healthily they eat.
Aug 21, 9:15pm
Some people find that certain foods trigger problems. I know of someone who found strawberries did and also rhubarb. For me it was chicken fat such as exists under the chicken skin. Attacks can also be more likely if under serious stress so I found. Attacks can be extremely painful and sometimes need hospitalisation so best avoided by due care over diet and stress.
Aug 22, 3:51am
Cholestrol is found in animal products, avoid those and there will be a huge improvement in cholestrol levels.
Aug 22, 3:59am
Hi, oven cooked chips and battered fish are ok. Also derive The Food Trucks 13 spices chicken from the tvnz website. Otherwise a simple diet along the lines of the Gastric Reflux diet on will set him right. I too had gallstones till my gallbladder was removed so am very familiar with it all.
Aug 22, 3:59am
Lol. If you eat no cholesterol your cells will simply make their own to make up the deficit because all our cells require cholesterol. And it is even worse than that. If your cells are making their own cholesterol they are not clearing cholesterol from the blood so instead of lowering blood cholesterol levels you will actually be raising it.
But don't worry. Help is at hand. Drug companies will be only too happy to supply you, at a cost, with dangerous cholesterol lowering drugs that damage muscles.
Aug 22, 5:47am
shame there isnt a drug for ascerbic and smart ar*e answers eh!
Aug 22, 9:20am
What are you taking at the moment.!
Aug 22, 10:07am
Careful now, don't let your brains go to your head!
Aug 22, 10:50am
High levels of dietary cholesterol down regulates the LDL receptor, i.e., it decreases the number of LDL receptors on the cell surface. The LDL receptors are responsible for clearing the low density lipoproteins (LDL, the so-called "bad cholesterol") from the circulation. 'High cholesterol' is more than just "if you don't eat enough cholesterol, then your body will make its own".
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