Problem is that very few people actually like it, and Hope indians do a similar dish, would be very interesting if there was an actual connection because it would be from early days.
Aug 12, 7:09am
I wondered about American Indians, considering corn was their grain of choice before the English invasion.
And of course nobody likes it but that has never stopped chef's from making any food.
I feel very glum now because the only dish that NZ can claim as a genuine part of our cuisine is pavlova and even that is in dispute. Of course if you top it with kiwifruit then it is definitely NZ cuisine imo. Trouble is, it is very similar to the famous french floating island dessert. They whip up the eggs and sugar just like a pav but instead of baking it they cook "boules" in various ways - one being in milk, and then served on creme Anglaise (custard) made from the cooking milk. When we were in the Beaujolais region every restaurant proudly offered this dessert as an example of local cuisine.
Aug 12, 2:47pm
those southland cheese rolls, perhaps there are not many absolutly NZ recipes but many NZ recipes have a definite NZ twist and flavour, perhaps these are the type of things #1 is wanting. Also our meat pies sold every where but I have been told there is nothing else overseas like them.
Aug 12, 2:53pm
I think that idea came from overseas as well and what a horrible one.
Aug 12, 3:13pm
Maybe we need to add in our 'culture' for eating some of these foods to make them more NZ in origin. You could do the fish and chips wrapped in newspaper and take them down to the beach with the seagulls squawking in the air. Have a puddle of tomato sauce at one end and some vinegar sprinkled over, bare feet and a bottle of drink. Then a cone ice cream to walk home with. Or a meat pie in a paper bag with a piece of slice in another bag. You could get a good old sunday lunch roast going with the rugby on the radio as background 'music'. I'm not trying to be smart, I just think that although we have foods from all over the world, perhaps it is the manner in which we eat them that makes them unique(ish) to NZ. Those sausages on the footy sideline in winter with tomato sauce. I used to have bunches of kids all over the yard eating stonefruit with the juice running down their arms, big smiles on their faces. Then they would hang onto the clothes line and I would hose them down amid gales of laughter.Probably not suitable for a chef I guess! :)
Aug 12, 4:40pm
Agreed its really just like us all our food 'culture' was imported from all over the world just like us but it is a unique mix and incredibly interesting. This family can trace itself back to just about every corner of the world, and looking at our recipe book then the same could be said, its not negative or wrong its just us :)
Aug 12, 5:17pm
I am sure there are some modern kiwi variations of most of the above meals which makes them unique to NZ.A meal of home grown roast lamb, beef or venison, home grown vegetables, home made sauces to accompany,I call that kiwi whether it originated here or not.Pavlova too, yes if you must.Chefs and cooks are creating their own kiwi style all the time.
Here's a recipe for you all to enjoy courtesy of the Topp Twins Jellied Sandals One clean jelly sandal, preferably one of the glitter variety. 2 pkts lime-green jelly 1 banana 1 pkt smarties 1pkt hundreds and thousands Scrub sandal till spotless and place in a glass bowl. In another bowl mix jelly with hot water following the directions on the pkt.Allow to cool then pour the jelly over the sandal, making sure to cover it. CAUTION: cooling the jelly first is very important, as boiling hot water will melt the jandal into a sticky blob. Place in fridge to set. Once set, cut banana into slices and arrange on top like daisy petals, leaving a hole in the centre, fill the hole with smarties. Sprinkle hundreds and thousands around the edge of the bowl.Place bowl in centre of table so everyone can see your beautiful sandal set in jelly .Serve with fruit salad which contains kiwi fruit (of course) and hokey pokey (of course) icecream.Yum yumHave fun
I love the jelly jandal idea. They have glitter in them too!
Aug 12, 10:24pm
Give them some meat pie recipes!Bacon and egg etc.The American sees pies as being fruit only - it will be a real eye opener to have some recipes with meat in them.
Aug 12, 10:39pm
Oh I love boil ups, well at least the ones I make. They are the ultimate 'nesting food' and they are delicious. People who turn their noses up when they are told I'm giving them a boil up usually ask for seconds.
Aug 12, 11:43pm
I think jhan was talking about rotted corn there Buzzy110.
Aug 13, 12:07am
Remember when Tim in 'The Office' (Ricky Gervais' Comedy) set Gareth's stapler in jelly!Sounds more like Trick than Treat ;)
Aug 13, 12:20am
I imagine that would be the intention
Aug 13, 12:43am
Shepherd's Pie Steak & Kidney Pie Queen Pudding Bread & Butter Pudding
Aug 13, 12:45am
A good chef could turn Anzac biscuits into a yummy dessert ;o)
Aug 13, 7:06pm
Wow some awesome recipes here! Absolutely love the jandal idea! He will be a sensation! just a quick note although as a chef he will probably know it, there is a huge difference in international measures to NZ measures, in some recipes he will need to make adjustments, especially if measures are in cups etc. I wish him every success.
Aug 14, 11:12pm
I have level 3 cookery and London city and guilds and have worked in lots of restaurants and yes I love baking and making ANZAC biscuits chefs need to know how to bake too and the simple oldies but goodies made well are just as important and datoofairy is right about turning into yummy dessertsjust needs creativity
Aug 15, 2:44am
Sweetened Condensed milk salad dressing!Kiwi fruit chutney or Tamarillo! Fan for the Anzac biscuits also pork bones & puha.
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