I made some Radishmans Fudge today, which was quite nice.But I remember fudge being creamier and smoother.
Does anyone have a recipe for this kind of fudge! Cheers.
Aug 7, 5:43am
Add another teasp butter, and try beating it less, test it during beating to get the consistency you want.better still beat it by hand.
Aug 7, 5:49am
would 'caster sugar' instead of normal make a difference!
Aug 7, 8:21am
Bring to boil on medium heat stirring ALL the time: 1 cup brown sugar 125 gm butter (room temp so you're not starting from rock hard) 1 can sweetened condensed milk 1 teaspoon golden syrup
Simmer on low for ten minutes, stirring ALL the time all around the pot to prevent little brown bits forming
Remove from heat and quickly stir in till melted 100 gms Whittaker's white chocolate
Pour into 20 cm square tin lined with baking paper
Do not cut until completely cold, for neat edges (the chocolate needs time to set)
Aug 7, 8:43pm
Yum Elliehen, sounds devine!
Aug 7, 10:02pm
Trick to creamy fusge is bringing it to the boil slowly without stirring. Stir once it comes to the boil. Apparently stirring while heating up makes the sugar crystalise. Works for me.
Aug 7, 10:39pm
Oh yum this is a good thread. Thanks elliehen for the recipe, and horizons for the tips. I made radishmans fudge on sat, and find it tasty but also grainy, so will give this recipe with the hints a go.
Aug 8, 8:43am
best fudge of all is 1/2tin condensed milk 400g dark chocolate tbsp butter In order, Heat in bowl over pot hot water, stir until chocolate has melted, pour into small square tin lined with gladwrap. cool in fudge. best fugde every. add what raisins nuts, rum essence, pepperment essence ect. yum
Aug 8, 6:41pm
I couldn't get this to set!
Aug 8, 9:25pm
I do this no boil fudge slightly differently and have no problems with it setting. This fudge also needs time to 'cure' so I recommend leaving it for 24 hours before cutting. I get many complements re this fudge.
Dark Chocolate Fudge (no boil)
500g dark choc bits (I use Signature Range with 40% cocoa butter) 1 can condensed milk 60g butter 1 tsp vanilla
Line tin with foil. Combine the chocolate, condensed milk & butter in saucepan and cook over a low heat until melted and smooth. Take off heat, stir in vanilla and beat well for 2-3 mins. Put into foil lined tin and chill until set.
Aug 9, 1:59am
You could try this - 1 tin of scm, 2 c sugar, 1/2 c milk, 200g butter, 3 or 4 Tbsp golden syrup, bring to the boil slowly and boil for 15 mins. Take of the heat, and beat until starting to thicken, add a handful of white choc (any kind, I use melts coz I usually have them to hand) and beat again until thick. Pour into baking paper lined slice tin. Refrigerate until set.
Aug 9, 2:20am
Heat slowly to dissolve sugar to make fudge creamy. Works a treat.
Aug 9, 4:52am
The chocolate would have sealed this fudges fate for setting, works everytime for me.
Aug 9, 4:55am
these are the best fudge recipes i reckon, never fail. mine setsin 1hr
Aug 9, 4:59am
My no beat fudge. and its never ever failed.
In a pot put 1 Cup Sugar, 1/3 Cup Cocoa, 1 Tabsp Golden Syrup, 125 gr Butter and 1/4 Cup Milk. Boil for 3 minutes stirring constantly. Remove from heat add 1 teasp Vanilla and 2 and 1/2 cups sifted Icing Sugar. Mix well and pour into a greased tin, cut while warm.
Aug 9, 5:41am
This is the fudge we always made many years ago.
1/2 cup of milk 2 cups sugar 25g (1oz) butter 1 tbls cocoa vanilla essence to taste
Put milk sugar butter and cocoa into pot and bring to boil. Boil 4 minutes Remove from heat and add vanilla Beat until thick (Iuse a wooden spoon) Pour into a buttered dish. Cut when set. This makes a really nice smooth original fudge. I only use condensed milk when making Russian Fudge. A lighter caramel looking fudge.
Aug 9, 5:58am
That's the recipe I have always used for chocolate fudge.
Aug 9, 11:10pm
That's the Edmonds recipe - the best fudge EVER!=)
Aug 10, 10:34pm
with the edmonds fudge recipe if you would like it a bit smoother and less sugary taste add the same amount of white vinager as vanilla ess. usually a teaspoon of each. fantastic recipe would never be with out it.
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