Help .. 1960 - 1970's Edmond C/Book Edition Owners
Aug 2, 2:53am
Hi.Just went to make a steamed pudding (like my Mum use to make) from the Edmonds Cookbook, but can't find it in my 1992 edition.It was a fairly plain dough type recipe, and had a topping of golden syrup (possibly water) etc which formed a nice sauce over the pudding.I think Mum's cookbook would have been in the 1965 - 1973 era.The only one in my current cookbook is a "Steamed Sponge Pudding" with a Golden Syrup Pudding variety - which doesn't look the same.I'm sure Mum's didn't have jam in it!Can anyone please help?Thanks :)
Aug 2, 3:01am
i've got a 1976 edition and have just looked and yes that recipe is in there. will type it out for you and post.
Aug 2, 3:06am
here you go.
Three Quarter Hour Pudding
1 ½ c flour ¼ tsp salt 1 tsp baking powder 3 tsp sugar 1 tbsp butter Milk to mix
Sift flour, salt and baking powder together, add sugar. Rub in butter and mix to a soft dough with sufficient milk. Place in a greased basin. Mix and pour the following syrup over: 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp golden syrup or honey, and 1 cup boiling water. Dissolve sugar and golden syrup in boiling water. Do not cover basin. Stand basin in a saucepan of boiling water (water to come up half way up the side of basin). Put lid on saucepan and steam ¾ hour.
Aug 2, 3:12am
also if you google golden syrup dumplings and make them they are easy as, take about 15 mins from start to finish and are very much like the 3/4hour pud in consistancy.
Aug 2, 3:14am
Hey thanks guys ... you are awesome :))
** Running off to make pudding now **
Dec 10, 9:06pm
i made those once margyr after a friend recommneded them. i dont know what i did but they were like blinking bullets!!
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