If you had 4 bananas, 6 limes, half an ice cream container on whole almonds. Dark and white chocolate buttons and raisinswhat recipes do you have that come to mind. ?
Whoops - that should read friands not friends lol!
Jun 1, 8:03pm
I'd just freeze them until I needed/wanted them.
Jun 1, 8:20pm
Different things to make to put some goodies into the pantry
Jun 1, 8:29pm
Banana cake, loaf Or muffins Fruit loaf with almonds & raisins Lime fudge slice Choc muffins with choc buttons Choc chip biscuits All recipes are in the lefthand message board. Just put the recipe title under keyword then under date posted put anytime. Lots of recipes to chose from. As lythande suggests, throw the bananas, squeeze the limes into ice cube trays then free flow in the freezer.
Jun 1, 9:17pm
This is the best Chocolate Banana Cake recipe ever (good site for other recipes, too). http://www.joyofbaking.com/ChocolateBananaCake.html Edit to say all common ingredients already in most pantries so you don't need to go out to buy anything - always a bonus
Jun 2, 5:55am
how do you rejuvenate old sponge cake that has been in the freezer?
Jun 2, 8:31am
Make into lamingtons or trifle
Oct 8, 9:54pm
yum thank you
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