Choc whey protein concentrate

juddy1, May 23, 2:46am
I have a half bag of chocolate whey powder here ....looking for a use for it...

question_chick_, May 23, 2:52am
chocolate whey powder, frozen berrys, milk and blender. Tastiest smoothy ever

juddy1, May 23, 2:56am
nice ....thanx ....but probably more suited for summer though..

question_chick_, May 23, 3:03am
In coffee to make a mocha?

juddy1, May 23, 3:06am
mmmm ...never tried that...interesting:)

question_chick_, May 23, 3:13am
There are also lot of ideas for protein cookies/bars online.

juddy1, May 23, 4:18am
cool,i will check em out....thanx for your ideas:)

wildflower, May 23, 11:11pm
I have protein shakes everyday all year round.Milk, powder and a banana; can't bet it for a healthy snack or meal.

deus701, May 23, 11:33pm
make a mousse cake.

bedazzledjewels, May 24, 12:19am
Add in to coconut cream and eggs for a baked coconut custard pot.

janny3, May 24, 1:24am
Home made mocha - instant breakfast in the hurry.Mix the powder w/ cold water/milk & add your hot coffee.

question_chick_, May 24, 1:41am
Sounds tasty as a morning snack as well.

juddy1, May 24, 2:46am
I have a half bag of chocolate whey powder here .looking for a use for it.

juddy1, May 24, 2:56am
nice .thanx .but probably more suited for summer though.

question_chick_, May 24, 3:03am
In coffee to make a mocha!

juddy1, May 24, 3:06am
mmmm .never tried that.interesting:)

juddy1, May 24, 4:18am
cool,i will check em out.thanx for your ideas:)

wildflower, Sep 27, 6:44pm
I have protein shakes everyday all year round.Milk, powder and a banana; can't bet it for a healthy snack or meal.