Master chef final

alfredtonroad, May 21, 2:31am
when she cooked the pork belly she covered it in oil & baked. can anyone tell me what this cooking procedure is called?have a feeling it started with 'f'

charli, May 21, 2:47am
Is it confit ?

alfredtonroad, May 21, 7:08am
yes, thanks charli, have you ever tried it?

alfredtonroad, May 22, 2:31am
when she cooked the pork belly she covered it in oil & baked. can anyone tell me what this cooking procedure is called!have a feeling it started with 'f'

charli, May 22, 2:47am
Is it confit !

alfredtonroad, May 22, 7:08am
yes, thanks charli, have you ever tried it!