How to make Caramel Slice: 150g butter, softened ¹/³ cup sugar ½ teaspoon vanilla essence 2 cups flour, sifted 395g can sweetened condensed milk 75g butter ¼ cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons golden syrup 70g macadamias, roughly chopped
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line an 18cm x 28cm baking pan with baking paper. 2. Cream the butter and sugar with an electric beater until light and fluffy. Mix in the vanilla then fold in the flour until evenly combined (the mixture will be crumbly). 3. Press three-quarters of the mixture into the base of the prepared pan. 4. Place the condensed milk, butter, sugar and golden syrup in a microwave-proof bowl. Microwave on high (100%) power for 1-2 minutes until the butter has melted. Stir then cook for 2-4 minutes until thick. Pour the caramel over the base. 5. Mix the macadamias through the remaining flour mixture and sprinkle it over the caramel. Bake 20-25 minutes until golden. 6. Cool in the pan before cutting into pieces.
Apr 11, 4:52am
Jazzs ANZAC square
1 cup crushed peanuts 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup coconut 1 cup self raising flour 1 cup sugar 1 egg 125 gram butter 1 tbsp golden syrup
Melt butter add golden syrup Mix dry ingredients and add butter mixture and egg Bake in slice long tray until golden brown at 180@
Combine sugar,butter,eggs and vanlila.Add sifted flour,oats and divide mix into 3 equals parts. then put 1/3 in each base keeping 1/3 Use 2 x 19x 39 lemington tins
Filling 300 grams chocolate 400 grams condensed milk 30 grams butter 1 cup chopped walnuts optional 2 tsp vanilla Combine chocolate, cond milk and butter in a saucepan.Stir over low heat for 2 minutes or until chocolate is melted Add nuts and essence
I am after any good slice recipes they can be of the cooked or non cooked variety please.
May 2, 11:52pm
Easy as Chocolate Crunch 125gr butter 1c coconut 1TBSP cocoa 1c four 1/2c sugar 1tsp vanilla essence Melt melt & pour over dry ingredients Press into sponge roll tin Bake 20 - 30 mins @ 180 Cut while warm & ice when cold
Go into the l/h message board & key in slices. Under date posted put anytime. Plenty there to choose from
May 3, 1:08am
CITRUS SLICE (easy peasy and yummy as!!)
100 grams butter 1 cup coconut 1/2 can condensed milk Grated rind of 1 - 2 citrus fruit 1 packet round wine biscuits
Melt butter.Add condensed milk, coconut, finely grated rind and biscuit crumbs.Press into lightly buttered or sprayed dish.
ICING 1 cup icing sugar 2 tbsp soft butter citrus fruit juice
Mix icing sugar with butter, then add juice a few drops at a time to icing consistency.Spread on base and refrigerate until firm.
May 3, 2:46am
Honey & Rice Bubble Slice 125gr butter 125gr sugar 2TBSPs honey or golden syrup Boil gently 5mins. Remove from heat & add 4c ricebubbles Press in a sponge roll tin. Cut while warm
Ginger Crunch & Tan Square gotta be my two favourites.
May 4, 1:08am
CITRUS SLICE (easy peasy and yummy as!)
100 grams butter 1 cup coconut 1/2 can condensed milk Grated rind of 1 - 2 citrus fruit 1 packet round wine biscuits
Melt butter.Add condensed milk, coconut, finely grated rind and biscuit crumbs.Press into lightly buttered or sprayed dish.
ICING 1 cup icing sugar 2 tbsp soft butter citrus fruit juice
Mix icing sugar with butter, then add juice a few drops at a time to icing consistency.Spread on base and refrigerate until firm.
May 4, 11:28pm
ps. dont make Chocolate caramel slice if you are on any kind of Diet, lol, it tastes so yuuuuuuummmmmmmmy
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