Are strawberries still in supermarkets?

farm-gal, Mar 30, 5:42am
Wanted some to use in fruit kebabs this weekend for my friends baby shower :)

uli, Mar 30, 5:44am
Depends on the supermarket - Pak'n'Save wouldn't have them - but some more upmarket ones might.

kay141, Mar 30, 6:08am
Are you guessing, uli? There were some in Pak n Save in Upper Hutt on Monday. I never noticed the quality or price as they were not on my friend's list.

jessie981, Mar 30, 6:11am
New World (ChCh) have them

kay141, Mar 30, 6:13am
Another question. What is an upmarket supermarket?

twinsforus, Mar 30, 7:21am
Pak n Save DO have them. Decent sized punnets for $4 at Porirua PnS.