Thank you so much for your advice.I don't think we eat enough jam!So maybe the freezer idea would work for us.I am very conscious of cleanliness required for jam making.Ah sealing each jar as it is filled, must do that.Your comments & help are very much appreciated.
Jan 21, 8:14pm
A friendgavemesomeplumsanditriedmakingsomejam. iused1 kg plumswith1 kg sugar. slicedtheplumsandaddedsugar,closedthecontainerandsoakedovernight.thismorningiaddedlemonandslowlycookedmixuntilallsugardissolved, thenbroughttoaboilandkeptonboiling (stirringinbetween)forabout30 minutes. thereafteriremovedstonesandpouredintomyhotjars. closeditimmediately. madeabout700gmsofjam.myfirsttryanditsyum!labelledanddatedmyjarsasiintenddoingotherfruitsaswell. thebigquestionthough:howdoistoreit - infridgeoronshelf? ....andhowlongwillthiskeep?NOPRESERVATIVES,yippee!!
Jan 22, 8:50pm
Hi there, after a bit of advice on jam making.This is the first year I have ever made jam - done plum, apricot and the zucchini lemon honey as well (Yum).I now have around 1.5kg of plums, 1 bunch of rhubarb and 1 kg of cherries.I also have around 700gm of mixed frozen berries.
What could I make with these fruit mixed together??I have no pectin (none at countdown) and have been using lemon juice but not sure it would be enough for cherries?I understand they are quite low in pectin?Also rhubarb I bought because I was under the impression it was high in pectin but my book is saying the opposite.
Any suggestions gratefully received.TIA
Jan 23, 1:26am
Start a new thread with a question coreblimey...I think most people have had a look at this and might not be coming back ;)
Jan 23, 1:39am
I have a recipe that say to cover my 3lbs of plums with 4 breakcast C of water. But yet a different recipe above from cgvl says to JUST cover plums with water ...please - what should I do?
Jan 23, 2:18am
Thanks elliehen
Jan 23, 2:32am
Does anyone have the receipe for homemade butter please?
Jan 23, 8:39pm
ooops darlingmole just saw thread again. My recipe is an old old family one also think the edmonds book only uses a small amount of water too. Mainly to stop fruit from catching before sugar added. I add ½cup water to 1.5kg plums.
Some recipes suggest a lot more water and these may require a lot more boiling down. Depends on amount of fruit to water to sugar ratio. Sometimes the more water used makes for a longer boiling time once sugar added and the jam can be thnner in taste.
Jan 24, 2:17am
all it is is just one bottle of cream and you beat it through various stages of the whipping process important thing is to make sure you wash it well
Jan 24, 3:22am
Thanks for getting back to me.Have made a post (re made plum jam for the 1st time ever).I had about 5-6 kilo's of plums, used 3 C water.It was really tangy despite using 3 & 1/2 C sugar! but IMO a LOT nicer than the store bought stuff.Stay posted for more from me about Jams because I will try berry jam by the weekend and will needing advice no doubt!
Jan 24, 5:32am
that would be about right amount of water for that much fruit.
Berry jam, make sure berries are clean and try and get a few unripe ones if able. 1.5kg berries bring to boil then add 1.25kg sugar. Don't add water, the fruit has enough natural in it. Leave a few whole ones to put in at end if you like to see fruit. Normally you add pound for pound of fruit to sugar but these days I find that far too sweet so use less for a tangy jam. A trick I use is a stalk of rhubarb cooked with the fruit ... adds the necessary pectin for setting, if you dont have then use lemon juice or a green unripe apple.
Jan 24, 1:05pm
Thanks t.gypsy for answering!
Jan 15, 6:22pm
well done!
Jan 15, 7:17pm
Yes. Homemade is always better. Congratulations you. Pat yourself on the back and allow yourself to feel wonderful for a job well done.
Now about that homemade butter, on bread with jam and whipped cream! Luscious.
Jan 15, 7:35pm
You can sieve it or blend it, but I love the lumps. It's real jam.
Jan 15, 8:33pm
i know same here lyth i purposely left the lumps there after leaving them to set on the bench top and now in the fridge i am about to have a check of them to see thier status.
Jan 15, 8:46pm
The lumpy bits are the best whether it's jam, marmalade, fruit in yoghurt etc, bring them on:)
Jan 15, 10:00pm
Could I have the jam recipe please!I'm making tomato relish this week but really want to make some jam (utterly horrified at the price of even Pams Jams!)
Jan 16, 2:28pm
the jam setting sugar is WAY more exensive than buying normal sugar and a packet of the jam set aid. i only use half a packet of the set aid and i've never had a batch stay runny. lemon juice does the same as does apples but i just use set aid
Jan 16, 6:09pm
oh t.gypsy - thanks heaps for that site!How much is the jam setting sugar off the top of your head - does anyone know!I'm always on a super tight budget (still got 9 of us at home darn it) so am thinking if it's too much I'll use the lemon or apple method.I appreciate you getting back to me
Jan 16, 6:17pm
Jam has been made for decades without jam sugar - include some of the fruit that are partly ripe, and you won't need jam sugar or purchased pectin - or lemon or apple - at all.
Heat whatever amount of any kind of fruit slowly, simmer till tender, stirring occasionally. Add sugar a cup at a time, dissolving well then tasting, till the jam is the sweetness you like. Bring to a boil, and continue boiling, stirring often, till a little jam tested on a saucer has set - place a tablespoon of the jam on a plate, into the fridge or freezer to cool, run your finger tip through the middle. If the sides run back together, keep cooking, checking often for setting. I the sides stay apart, it's ready to bottle - in hot sterilised jars, place lids or cellophane jam tops on while the jam is hot, and you're done.
Jan 16, 6:42pm
it was on special for about 4.22 for a 1kg bag at countdown. but as some of the others mention the apple or lemon. I only brought this as it was my first time doing jam so next time i will have a go doing it the other way.
Jan 16, 8:44pm
Jam setting sugar is very expensive and it makes the end product although nicer than commercial jams more expensive to make. If you feel the need for a bit of help buy the kings jams setting mixture.The cherry jam I am making by boiling the stones in gauze for the first 30 minutes that put's the pectin in or as someone else said just use some apple
Jan 16, 9:22pm
lol I've made toffee before too. I let the jam boil a little too long and it was aweful trying to get it out of jar and spread.
Berry fruit doesn't need any water. Plums I use about ½cup water just enough to cover the bottom of the pot.
Enjoy your jam and relishes/chutneys. i just finished a jar of strawberry I made 2 years ago and am onto the last of my marmalade from 2006, not sure how old the chutney is or even what version as I forgot to label doh.
Jan 21, 6:43pm
My homemade jam always goes mouldy on the top.any suggestions on how to prevent this please!Great thread!
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