Hi fellow TM MBers ... to all of those who (like me) want to avoid the toxic cocktail of aspartame in their diet ... I just discovered today that the manufacturer has decided to rebrand to try and fool us - Aspartame is now called "amino sweet" .... so another name to look for on labels and AVOID.
This product has been banned from 3 different countries already .. wake up NZ !
Jan 13, 12:41am
So you've been reading a few of those hoax type emails... try and do some proper research.
No it wasn't from an email.My opinion on aspartame is from several books I've read.It was a reputable magazine (ie. not WW, etc!!) for marathan runners that I was reading, and included quotes I had already read before.ASS -U- ME..... This warning is from my heart, you can google it (properly) or ignore, it's up to you.It is a product I feel strongly against, but as I said, it's my opinion, and we all have one of those!
Jan 13, 1:21am
I am sure this was announced about a year ago, the name change that is.There does not seem to be any reliable evidence to support the claims against it.
I don't use it myself but I do wonder why it has not been banned throughout the world if it caused as many problems as it is 'reported' to do.
Jan 13, 1:21am
snopes research all stories like this - they dont just make up stuff, its people who think websites set up by their competitors pretending to be health watchdogs. Any person with half a brain could see that
Jan 13, 1:49am
nfh1 - it may well have been announced a year ago, I only read about it (NOT in an email!) today.Michelle, those of us with a brain who ask questions, whichever side of the fence we're on, learning and questioning keeps us young and alert!
If you research further and ask why did the FDA approve this drug (chemical) in the first place, that's an interesting study too.
While I don't discount snope on hoax rumours, I think this topic is a tad more than that!!The argument has been going on way before hoax emails were invented!
Jan 13, 1:54am
Thank you fast!
Good to know about the name change.
The threads not about the pro's and con's of Aspartame, those of us who like to avoid it do so at our own choosing.So again, thank you Fast for the heads up.
Jan 13, 12:13pm
Thanks Prawn Whiskas, 100% on the button.
Jan 13, 12:42pm
aspects of the email are plain bullshit and advertising exaggeration, mainly on the line of how clever the individual was to find the errors and point them out
the chemical makeup of our bodies does not listen to advertising, and when we ingest a product that physics tells us will be broken down in our bodies into some very serious poisons then we do need to be able to make a choice, and informed of all the effects, volumes etc of those poisons cyanide and formaldehyde are not gentle products, yes we can tolerate them and yes they may be the products this breaks down into, in very minute amounts, and yes we may well get a beneficial result from the initial product and still survive the side effects not something I'd personally knowingly out on my plate but obviously not the deadly product some would like us to believe it is - or every coke and diet coke drinker would be dead
Jan 13, 1:43pm
Reminds me of how High Frucstose Corn Syrup is being rebranded as Corn Sugar in the US. Thanks Fastie. My decisions became much easier to make when I stopped buying "foods" with ingredients lists. That way I don't need to carry in my head a list of food additive numbers, including sweetener numbers.
Jan 13, 3:35pm
Just avoid anything with the number 951 in the ingredients list as well if that is all the info you can find. In fact, I tend to stay away from anything ranging from 951 to 965 just to be on the safe side.
Jan 13, 3:44pm
And thanks for bringing it to our attention again fastlanenz. I have read exactly how aspartame came to be 'legalised' and exactly why FDA resisted it for over 30 years.
It is also interesting to note that it is banned in Europe.
Therefore, like prawn whiskas says, it is immaterial if you don't believe that aspartame is a toxic substance that is best avoided for long term health, but it is very relevant to those of us who do believe it and would rather not have it thank you very much.
Why take the risk? It is not an essential fatty acid or amino acid. Up till late last century it wasn't in the food chain. It is not a vital macronutrient. It does not advance the health of the body by one iota. It provides no energy, no fuel and no vitamins, minerals or trace elements. It places extra strain on an already overworked liver and its by product in the human body is toxic chemicals.
It is a dead, denatured, artificially created productthat has no place in the food chain, either human or animal.
It does, however, have a place in the unscrupulous hearts and minds of those people and companies who can make a whole lot of money from it.
Jan 13, 3:49pm
And the new branding is very clever - makes a fool out of <most> consumers as usual - as the name implies that it is essential or natural in some way.
Amino - Sweet
Jan 13, 7:32pm
Never underestimate the media power of the US sugar lobby.
Jan 13, 7:36pm
True - as the heat goes on to the sugar industry over the next decade or so, we'll see plenty of hi-jinx from them.
Jan 13, 8:00pm
I don't think it is banned in Europe for everything, just children's food!
I think Stevia is banned in Europe but that seems freely available here.
Jan 13, 8:55pm
There has been a lot of research on it and no proof it is bad for you.If we were going to avoid that we should be avoiding all fruit and veg that has been sprayed, modified etc etc.There are cancer causing things in so many things we come in contact with everyday, air we breath, products we use, foods we eat.Somethings going to get us eventually so eat what you enjoy in moderation I say!
Jan 13, 9:00pm
Blurbs about aspartamine came out years ago and i gave them to my Dr. to read who thought it was over reaction by the americans and was okay for us.As a diabetic I have aspartamine for decades and there's nothing wrong with me lol!I have a lot of it and I am sure we would be dead if there was major problems with it.
Jan 13, 10:48pm
Quite so nfh. At least the children are protected from this insidious product. And adults can exercise discretion about what the will and won't put into their mouths.
However, to exercise that discretion, all products should be allowed just one name only, not be continually undergoing unheralded rebranding to fool unsuspecting people.
Still the number 951 hasn't changed.
Jan 14, 12:52am
Always surprises me that WW use phenylalanine in their yoghurts etc.
I try to avoid anything I cannot spell!
Jan 14, 6:00am
LOL, even the "rebranding" scare is complete BS. AminoSweet is a competing product to Nutrasweet, made by a different manufacturer (Ajinomoto). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspartame
Jan 14, 1:25pm
I disagree drsr ... I think if we rely on a few google searches, we could prove or disprove most statements, especially sites such as wikipedia that anyone can edit.
I don't believe for one second that the rebranding was done for any reason other than to try and shift their product's image from the growing awareness of the aspartame chemical cocktail.
Why do any companies go to the expense of rebranding, or changing recipes etc? (think Cadbury, Griffins, etc) .... because there will be more $ in it for them.There are some companies who still want to deliver the best product, purest ingredients, etc, but they are not run collectively or individually driven by the almighty dollar.
The same magazine article where I read about the rebranding went on to discuss phenylalanine, and results of studies that show cancer cannot grow without the presence of phenylalanine ... but I haven't had time yet to look further into substantiating this statement.
I made a conscious choice to never drink anything 'diet' or eat anything 'lite'(margarine is another 'don't buy' product in our household) but if I inadvertently had a small taste of one of these, it's not the end of the world!!I just prefer to be able to make an informed choice based on my own research of published findings.
Coincidentally, the subject of sugar has been raised, as one of my new year's resolutions for this year is to try and tackle my fondness for anything sugary or sweet .... to say I'm addicted to sugar would not be an overstatement LOLOL !!!!!
Edited to replace a word that was out of context.
Jan 14, 2:14pm
Quite a few posters are actively promoting Stevia as they renounce sugar - but everything 'natural' is certainly not 'nice'.
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