Whats your baking mission for the week..

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elliehen, Jan 13, 5:46pm
I have a recipe for a Boston Bun made with mashed potatoes.

I've also added flour to mashed potatoes and made a griddle scone in my cast iron frypan, cut it into wedges and smothered it in butter and raspberry jam.Not for the faint-hearted who worry about their hips, though...

t.gypsy, Jan 13, 6:24pm
i always say to hell with the hips lol..

The yoghurt cake is now in the oven not sure how it will turn out i based it without the butter in there..

2cups flour
3tsp bkng power
1/2 cup sugar
2cups yoghurt

mixed together in a bowl to a batter like mixture, Oil the cake tin and use greaseproof paper for the bottom and bake until risen or golden brown...

Tis gunna be interestin the finished product..

marcs, Jan 13, 11:06pm
Freeze them all Buzzy. I finally ate the christmas cake that I froze the year before. Tasted a lot better too. And you don't think about eating them yourself because they are not in front of you. Out of sight out of mind.

t.gypsy, Jan 31, 4:16pm
and to record that cake recipe is a good one :) eating the results its suttle,sweet,light and just yummy