I tried this years ago but never knew how to make it, what is the best cheapest recipe for this? thanks :-)
Dec 6, 8:11pm
Whip a pile of cream until thick but not completely whipped, mix it with a pile of flavoured yogurt. Add in chopped pineapply lumps and chopped marshmallows. Chill and then devour the lot!! Can use fruit segments, choc fish, all sorts of variations.
Dec 6, 8:21pm
We do ours with a pottle of sour cream, berry yoghurt, mashmallows and berries! Yummy!!!!
Dec 6, 8:23pm
I just made this for my dessert tonight to share with my girlfriends, there are loads of variations. Whipped cream, yoghurt, fresh strawberries, marshmallows.Whip cream first and add the yoghurt, chop berries and marshmallows into similar size and fold in gently.Refridgerate for a couple of hours. I have also bought a flake bar to sprinkle over when I serve.
Dec 6, 8:33pm
tarankyle, you'll find a great selection of Ambrosia recipes in the Dessert area of the Trademe Cooks recipes which can be accessed/downloaded from:-
Scroll to the bottom of that page to find the TMC recipes). :-))
Dec 6, 8:41pm
Thanks every one :-)This is going to be my part of Christmas Desert
Dec 6, 11:11pm
A recipe also niceand easy is Strawberry Mousse...blend punnet strawberriesput aside , melt over double boiler pkt Marshmallows , cool and mix together with 1/2 Cup Whipped cream 1/2 Cup yoghurt ....pour into wee dishes and decorate with strawberry and mint or lemon balm leaf....easy for kids to make .
Dec 6, 11:13pm
Oops meant to say add 2 or 3 tablespoons milk into marshmallows as they melt, keep stirring them...sticky but fun .
Dec 6, 11:24pm
Whipped cream, large pottle of berry yoghurt, marshmallows, strawberries and choc buttons. Yummm
Dec 7, 4:59pm
My dad for an easy dessert would slice lots of bananas into whipped cream with lemon juice added....Yummy!
Dec 7, 5:35pm
i make mine with whipped cream, berry yoghurt, fresh berries, mini marshmellows and sometimes i will make a berry jelly and when its set i chop it up into little bits and fold through to. no chocolate!
Dec 7, 6:00pm
This recipe I recently tried is so easy and so yummy! In a med/lge bowl put: 1 small tin manderins - drained 1 can pineapple chunks - drained 2 cups dessicated coconut 250 mls sour cream bunch of dark or green grapes 2 cups chopped marshmallows or whole mini marshmallows
Mix all together, cover, and stand overnight in the fridge. Serve with whipped cream if wanted. Seasonal or fresh fruit could also be used in this recipe.
Jan 27, 5:16am
Ambrosia My son nieces and nephews love making this recipe 1 cup cream whipped 1kg boysenberry or any fruit yoghurt, frozen boysenberries ( sliced in half or quarters if fruit is large ) or any berry fruit is fine 1pkt ernest adams meringues lightly crushed, 6 chit chat biscuts + 1 extra for decoration, roughly chopped and 1 pkt (pascals) marshmellowsbut any brand ok. Fold altogether into a large bowl just enough to combine. Chill in the fridge. Decorate with chopped berries and an extra chopped chit chat biscuit.
Dec 6, 8:05pm
I tried this years ago but never knew how to make it, what is the best cheapest recipe for this! thanks :-)
Dec 6, 8:11pm
Whip a pile of cream until thick but not completely whipped, mix it with a pile of flavoured yogurt. Add in chopped pineapply lumps and chopped marshmallows. Chill and then devour the lot! Can use fruit segments, choc fish, all sorts of variations.
Dec 6, 8:21pm
We do ours with a pottle of sour cream, berry yoghurt, mashmallows and berries! Yummy!
Dec 6, 8:33pm
tarankyle, you'll find a great selection of Ambrosia recipes in the Dessert area of the Trademe Cooks recipes which can be accessed/downloaded from:-
Scroll to the bottom of that page to find the TMC recipes). :-))
Dec 6, 11:11pm
A recipe also niceand easy is Strawberry Mousse.blend punnet strawberriesput aside , melt over double boiler pkt Marshmallows , cool and mix together with 1/2 Cup Whipped cream 1/2 Cup yoghurt .pour into wee dishes and decorate with strawberry and mint or lemon balm leaf.easy for kids to make .
Dec 6, 11:13pm
Oops meant to say add 2 or 3 tablespoons milk into marshmallows as they melt, keep stirring them.sticky but fun .
Dec 7, 4:59pm
My dad for an easy dessert would slice lots of bananas into whipped cream with lemon juice added.Yummy!
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