Suede help to cook?

vin.p, Oct 4, 5:16pm
how do i cook this vege please.

letitia, Oct 4, 5:19pm
The easiest way is to peel and cut it into chunks, cook in slated water till tender, then mash, adding salt pepper and butter to your taste.

cookessentials, Oct 4, 5:21pm
Swede can be steamed. Just peel and cut into pieces. Steam till tender and mash with freshly ground salt and pepper and butter.

kiwibubbles, Oct 4, 8:39pm
hahaha i honestly thought someone was asking how to cook the material suede and i thought wtf?never occured to me it was swede!

babytears, Oct 4, 9:12pm
Hahahaha.... I read the title and thought to myself.... times are getting difficult...!

gardie, Oct 5, 12:01am
HOpe you enjoy it - I absolutely love swede - its our Christmas special dish.Which reminds me, I'd better buy and cook up my swedes now and pop them into the freezer.As it gets closer to Christmas, the swedes are not so good - and you'd never know that it had been frozen.

uli, Oct 5, 1:09am
I am glad I am not the only one who thought - why on earth is someone wanting to cook leather? Never occurred to me it could be meant as swede.

nabbed, Oct 5, 2:16am
I chop it into small squares,add peas and carrots and leeks then add to a cheese sauce.My son loves this on mashed potatoes

nauru, Oct 5, 2:40am
Cut into chunks and roast it, it is great done this way

beaker59, May 8, 10:54pm
Would you like cauliflower mash and Ju with your hush puppy madam.