Mixed salad in bags at supermarkets

r123l, Sep 14, 8:06pm
Need some advice mb'ers have not usually brought this stuff before but for what they are charging for a normal lettuce I'm considering it is quite good value.My problem is how do you guys store it once opened do you leave it in the plastic bag or do you put it in a seperate container to keep it longer?

e_babe, Sep 14, 8:08pm
In summer I leave in bag but only because it is gone real quick as we eat heaps. At the moment I am storing it in an airtight container which I have decided is best so will do this over summer as well.

motorbo, Sep 14, 8:20pm
i have found after years of using an airtight container that i can kep things fresher if i wrap paper towel or damn tea towel around what i want to prolong, and then wrap in gladwarp or bag or container, it works so well

vintagekitty, Sep 14, 8:30pm
I buy it every week, and just leave it in the bag with a twistie around it, we go through a couple of bags a week.

noonesgirl, Sep 14, 8:55pm
Leave it in the bag. Keeps fine

pickles7, Sep 14, 8:59pm
They are very good value
I leave it in the bag and fold the top and secure it with a peg. I take what I need , wash it and leave it on the bench to freshen. In fact I started buying the bags for the same reason. price of lettuce, no waste, clean, and lettuces are hit and miss as to if you can eat them at all at the moment, anyway.enjoy.

purplegoanna, Sep 14, 9:45pm
The bags are specially designed to keep the lettuce leaves fresh, it may look like normal plastic but its not!

r123l, Sep 14, 10:07pm
Thanks guys for all your info the mb is a great thing

cheese-mike, Sep 14, 10:13pm
I just leave mine in the bag, fold it over and go ;)
Its easy and yummy

white_elephant, Sep 14, 11:04pm
We go through a least a couple of these a week though I'm slightly nervous of them after reading that some sort of gas is put into the bags to keep everything fresh.

elliehen, Sep 15, 12:48am
Might just be Co2.I have a gardening friend who posts me seedlings in a plastic bag that she has breathed out into ;)

You'll know when the lettuce is past its best because it will have slimy edges and smell like silage!

nfh1, Sep 15, 12:53am
Make sure you wash it before using.

razell, Mar 23, 12:01pm
check out the price of the loose salad greens compared with the bagged stuff.I have found that the loose stuff is way cheaper.