I would like to experiment with some of the European type cakes having tried them from time to time and really enjoyed them. does anyone have any authentic recipes or know of a good book. i know their cakes often require a lot of eggs.
Feb 17, 6:25pm
Kugelhopf is a lovely bread type cake with fruits etc... it is baked in a kugelhopf tin.
Feb 17, 11:13pm
Kugelhopf: A traditional recipe via Google * 4 tbsp/30 ml kirsch (or your favourite spirit, I used rum and brandy) * 1 cup/150 g sultanas or currants (more if you love a lot of sultanas) * 1 kg plain flour * 30 g compressed yeast * 2 cups/500 ml milk * 1 tbsp/10 g salt * 2/3 cup/150 g sugar * 5 eggs * 3/4 cup/180 g soft butter * 2 tbsp almond flakes Pour the kirsch over the currants, stir, leave covered for a few hours to soak Warm half the milk till lukewarm Prepare the started dough by pouring 300 g flour into the mixer bowl, crumble in the yeast and the cup of lukwarm milk you prepared in step 2. Knead lightly in mixer and leave to prove for 2 hours Place the dough back in the mixer bowl and top with the remaining milk, 500 g flour, salt, sugar and the eggs and mix for at least 10 minutes, which is very important for the texture of the cake. The loose semi-solid dough should come away from the bowl easily. Mix in the butter and knead the mixture until it becomes a smooth supple dough Add the sultanas/currants and work them in until they are evenly distributed in the dough Grease two cake molds (preferably kugelhopf molds) with butter and sprinkle the almond flakes evenly in them. Fill the mold up to halfway with the dough and leave to prove in a draught-free place Preheat the oven to 200 C and bake the kougelhopf for around 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the mold.
Feb 17, 11:18pm
LINZERTORTE: For the filling 10 small ripe red plums, stoned and quartered 2 cups frozen cranberries 200g sugar juice of 1 lemon For the pastry 150g unblanched skin-on almonds 60g hazelnuts 210g flour, plus extra for rolling 135g soft brown sugar pinch of salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon ground cloves ½ teaspoon baking powder finely grated zest of 1 lemon 195g butter, cut into cubes 1 egg yolk few drops pure vanilla essence caster sugar for dusting
Method For the filling Place the plums and cranberries in a medium saucepan and stir in the sugar. Simmer over a low heat, occasionally skimming any white scum from the surface, until jammy and thick (30-40 minutes). Remove from the heat, add the lemon juice and let cool before filling pastry shell.
For the pastry Preheat the oven to 175°C. Spread the nuts over a baking tray and place in the oven for 10 minutes until their skins start to split. Set aside to cool.
Place the nuts in a food processor with half the flour. Pulse until you have a fine texture. Add the remaining dry ingredients, the lemon zest and the cubed butter. Pulse until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
Add the egg yolk and a dash of vanilla. Remove from the bowl and divide into 2 balls, 1 larger than the other (for the base), wrap in plastic wrap and place in the fridge to rest for 20 minutes.
Roll the larger ball out to an even thickness of about 5mm and line a 24cm flan tin with a removable base. Keep any trimmings.
Spoon the filling into the case. Roll the smaller ball out and cut into strips about 1cm wide. Place the strips at even intervals over the tart, about 5mm apart, and press together with the edges. Roll any remaining pastry into a “rope” and press around the edge to seal the tart.
Sprinkle a little caster sugar over and place the tart on a tray in the centre of the oven.
Bake until the jam is bubbling and the pastry is evenly golden brown (30-40 minutes). Serve warm with cream or leave to cool and serve cold.
Feb 18, 6:24pm
thank you pam. they do seem to have quite a few stages or steps in their recipes. would still be interested in hearing from someone who has a book which they have used and found useful.
Feb 18, 9:55pm
There used to be German Baking book translated into English from Dr. Oetker - alas it is not in any mail-order bookshop now, sadly. I used to gift it to interested NZ bakers.
However try this site here which is authentic German cooking: http://www.tasty-german-recipe.com/
Feb 18, 10:09pm
I've got the original Dr. Oetker uli ... but I can't share the recipes here as I'm not THAT good at translating lol! The german cookbooks in english that I have are all old so no use recommending them ... they're long since out of print. I find them in op-shops, garage sales ... even on TM so worth keeping an eye out lynja. Do you have any particular cake that you want to try? If you have some names, I'm happy to write the recipes here ... if I have them.
Feb 18, 10:27pm
I do have a couple of great books, packed away somewhere.
Feb 18, 11:00pm
Here is the Dr Oetker recipe link http://www.oetker. ca/en/recipes
Feb 18, 11:02pm
alot of the recipes use their brand of pruducts though
Feb 18, 11:06pm
caramel slice anyone know of any good recipes? made one the other day but the base wasn't right... it was too soft... . any one know of any fail proof recipes?
Feb 18, 11:42pm
Pam - Dr. Oetker is their 'Edmonds'. The recipes still work simply by using the relevant ingredient irrespective of which brand it is.
lebkuchen are my favourite German biscuits, I buy them rather than make them though!
Feb 19, 12:13am
Of course they would do - however it was easy to just use whatever baking powder or custard powder ... . we had here ... but the big translated book is not available anymore - so now I have to put people onto online recipe sources ... which I did LOL :)
Feb 19, 12:53am
No, what I mean is that there is a specific "mix" such as the one for the cheesecake - not just one ingredient but a "packet filling"
Feb 19, 1:15am
Maybe you underestimate the ethnic mix which is the USA? ? - there are areas of authentic German cooking in every large US city. Even outside the cities, you'll find German family names with German culinary traditions - the 'Dutch' is Pennsylvania Dutch is derived from 'Deutsch'. A quick flick of one of my US cookbooks has names of contributors such as Hochstetler, Kauffman, Herschberger, Swartzendruber usw... . ;)
Feb 19, 1:50am
Here is an authentic German cake recipe (original handwritten! ) from a Munich violinist friend:
Cream butter & sugar till light Add eggs and beat Sift flour & baking powder and stir in
Peel apples, core and cut in thirds (no English word for the German verb 'to third' ! ) Cut parallel lines along the 'backs' of the apple thirds without cutting right through
Spread cake batter evenly in baking dish Arrange apple thirds on top
Bake at 180* for 50 to 60 mins
Feb 19, 5:31am
Ever want to use a translator, this link works quite well and there are others, just google free online translators... .
I've got some really brilliant German recipe books but would take to long to write out, but if you want 2 email me I can scan some of themand mail them back to you. Won't be for a few days though as we are babysitting our beautiful wee grandson for the weekend. Same username as here at the hot place!
Feb 19, 11:56am
I didn't actually look at the recipe, I just know I love lebkuchen. I have no idea what the authentic recipes are.
Aug 21, 11:55pm
Anyone tried that Austrian bakery & cafe in Roberta Ave, Glendowie, Auckland? Lovely (& cute) young Austrian guy owns it & bakes all his own Austrian goodies. He's a really good quality baker & has things I don't even recall seeing in Austria when I was there.
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