first timer how long do i cook pie for and at what temp its in a round dish the size of a family pie tia :)
Feb 9, 12:31am
200 for about 20 mins
Feb 9, 1:48pm
Fan bake or normal or gas? Metal,ceramic or pottery dish?
Feb 9, 3:17pm
I prefer a metal dish as there is less chance of :soggy bottom" on the pastry. I do not have fan bake on my oven so I don't use it.
Feb 9, 4:04pm
Holy cow only 20 minutes, it must be a wee pie. I would have thought longer. 35 to 40mins
Feb 9, 4:15pm
What? You don't use the oven? Or the fan bake, that you don't have?
Feb 9, 8:21pm
Fan bake of course! Plenty of good bacon and egg pies came out of ovens before fan bake was introduced. I usually cook pies for 30-35 mins in an ordinary oven. Fan bake might speed up cooking times.
Feb 9, 8:58pm
Mines in the oven now. 220C, bottom rung, normal bake. Pottery flan dish, 40mins. Yuuuuuuum
Feb 10, 1:22pm
8 rashers of bacon, 8 size 7 eggs in a tin 300x150. 35-40m on fanbake at 180.
Feb 10, 1:33pm
I agree my mum had a metal pie plate that had a small holes in the base. B&E pies also came out with a nice brown crust not soggy. but in saying that she may have uses savoury short pasty on the bottom and flaky on top.cant remember that but can remember them cooking and waiting expectantly for them to come out of the oven and be handed a hot piece on a plate to devour
Feb 10, 8:16pm
Eggs beaten or whole?
Feb 10, 10:55pm
Also if you put an oven tray in the oven when you turn it on it will be hot by the time you put your pie in and the bottom of your pie will never be soggy even if you use glass or ceramic pie dishes.
Feb 10, 11:29pm
I always do this, mainly in case of leakage from pies or quiches. It does help the pastry bake better in glass or ceramic pie dishes.
Oct 25, 8:51pm
Don't forget mixed frozen veges and onion. (runs from the lynch mob) LMAO.
Save a soggy bottom sprinkle some grated cheese. (Thanks Alison )
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