Lots of tomatoes and about 30 hands of bananas in the fridge.
May 6, 1:25am
Seems worth having a go, afterall tomato is a fruit, perhaps sieve out the seed & skin. Not sure if that would go down.
May 6, 5:52am
My grandmother used to make these. has anyone else got the recipe ?
May 7, 5:11pm
Or 1 batch banana fritters and 1 batch of tomato fritters.
I canever heard of that as a combination lol. wow.
May 8, 8:43am
I have never heard of it either unless they were plantains. Love fried plantains.
May 10, 12:49am
Yes together and they were yum. ill do some trials. Give them a try you might be pleasantly surprised.
May 16, 4:59pm
Has anyone tried to make some yet?
May 19, 2:37am
No, and I am picking no one will. no together, at least.
May 21, 12:42am
Not sure why people think that tomatoes and banana don't go well together. I used to make a banana, bacon and fresh tomato omelette. It is delicious. Admittedly the tomato component isn't cooked in the omelette and the bacon is pre-cooked first and then sliced.
They are both fruit and I doubt that the length of time a fritter would take to cook would alter the raw taste and texture of the tomato to any great degree.
May 21, 2:49am
No one said they don't go together per se. It's the whole fritter thing I cannot get my head around; esp if the tomatoes are red as opposed to green. What you are talking about as having cooked is totally different.
But feel free to share a recipe you think would work. I cannot find one anywhere I have looked.
May 21, 2:09pm
The combination sounds like indigestion. haha
May 21, 7:28pm
Don't need bananas and tomatoes for a fritter to be indigestion material. Just flour, baking powder and milk/water/soda water and egg mixed and then fried in some cheap and nasty oil is sufficient to bring on indigestion.
May 21, 8:12pm
Oh you poor old thing!
May 21, 10:00pm
I was hoping there would be a recipe and a star rating by now.
May 21, 10:01pm
May 22, 6:02pm
Actually, I’m inclined to think it would be stomach cramps and diarrhoea. My Mum taught me to never eat bananas and tomatoes on the same day because it will give you
May 23, 12:02am
Thank you for your commiserations but truly they are unnecessary. Fritters are not my food of choice because life is too short and there are so many other glorious foods I still have to experience.
May 23, 12:10am
And you never tried it out? Gee anything my mother told me turned out to be wrong! The most famous one being: "each drop of vinegar eats 10 drops of blood" - so we couldn't have a nice salad dressing when I was a kid, but I had to endure lemon juice on lettuce . :(
I wish I’d taken more notice of her advice now to be honest!
Sep 17, 4:57am
How odd, some of that generation had some weird ideas, and weird sayings
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