Sweet pea shoots . edible?

unicstudent, Mar 13, 4:21am
Hello My friend's garden has beautiful "sweet peas" in it, with tantalising fresh tendrils (shoots). I have been trying to find out whether they are edible as they look as though they would be lovely in a salad. I am cooking for a formal dinner next week and would love to use them but don't want to poison guests. I seem to be getting conflicting advice via google - does anyone know FOR SURE? TIA :)

jane8, Mar 13, 1:52pm
From what I see when googling, shoots of sweet peas NOT edible

holly-rocks, Mar 13, 2:26pm
Not edible! You could try garden pea tendrils which look very simular. There are loads of edible flowers ~ here is a list for you ~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_edible_flowers

Dont eat sweetpeas :)

niffer13, Dec 28, 9:43am
email Kings seeds they would know.