1 1/2 tablespoon gelatine 1/4 cup water 1/2 cup hot chicken stock 3 large ripe avocados - peeled with the stone removed 1 clove garlic 2 tsp worcestershire sauce 1/2 cup mayonnaise 2 tsp lemon juice 1/2 cup cream salt and pepper to taste
Soften gelatin in 1/4 cup water then dissolve in the hot chicken stock. Throw all the other ingredients into the food processor, run the machine until everything turn into a smooth mixture then slowly add the gelatine mix. Line a loaf tin with plastic wrap having plenty hanging over the side. Pour in the mousse and cool until set when you can cut it in slices.
Jan 6, 3:28am
That sounds good, have you made it yet?
Jan 6, 4:31am
Jan 6, 4:52am
Ok, it still sounds worth a go. I quite like those sort of things . make it look impressive & easy peasy, as well as tasty. Probably won't make it for a while . would have been good for Christmas, so have printed it off . thanks & a happy New year to you & yours down south. (we've had some rain, woo hoo)
Jan 6, 8:58am
If you haven't made it how do you know it is nice and worth recommending?
Jan 6, 6:26pm
It reads well don't you think, and besides, nobody's holding a gun at your head.
Jan 6, 6:27pm
Thankyou, and the same to you. I'm definitely going to try it as well.
Jan 7, 5:49am
I found a recipe in my files today, for avocado chocolate mousse . haven't tried it, but it sounds damned delicious. I think I copied it from this forum & I'd be happy to post it if anyone would like it.
Jan 7, 5:53am
The Bible reads well and that's a load of crap. In my own very humble opinion. Also, some recipes sound good and don't deliver, so a recommendation based on knowledge and experience is always appreciated. I do get tho how some appeal when unproven and that's all good as well. Just helps to know.
Jan 7, 5:59am
Yea, I have one of those too. the texture is all there; would depend on if the flavour delivers. Must make one, one day!
Jan 7, 6:03am
Yeah, buuuut . I'm renown for trying new, untried recipes when I'm having guests . why, I don't know, but I have never had a complete fail yet . some close calls, maybe. Think about MasterChef . they do it often & suceed & there's alway Plan B.
Jan 7, 6:13am
This the one I make regularly - so tried out many times:
1 ripe avocado (straight from the fridge) 1 frozen banana (peeled and cut into chunks before freezing!) 3 heaped tablespoons of raw cacao powder 2 tablespoons of raw honey (optional) Squeeze of lemon Water as required (depends on how "dry" the cocoa powder is) Pinch of salt
In a blender or food processor, add the cacao powder, then the remaining ingredients on top.
Blend and make sure you scrape the sides of the blender and mix in, to ensure it is all blended well.
Serve in small cups and serve straight away!
Can add whipped cream, some nuts on top etc.
Jan 7, 6:14am
I am always trying out new recipes when I have guests or wwoofers. That way even if it is not quite the way I like it - it still gets eaten LOL :)
Jan 7, 6:21am
Yes. I agree totally and I do this as well. And like you I don't know why. Unlike you I had one terrible fail that looked atrocious however it tasted just fine. Recipe was followed to a tee however something went wrong. one disaster in 30 years can't be all bad tho aye.
Jan 7, 6:53am
So where's your recipes then? Be a devil and give it a shot, you might like it
Jan 7, 7:01am
Which ones? I have posted a few I thought might appeal over the time I have been on here. Are you after one in particular? Or have you taken offence when absolutely none was intended. I have noticed it does seem to happen on this board from time to time.
Jan 7, 7:07am
I thought your post #5 was pretty smart arse. give us one of your recipes then, I'll see if I approve
Jan 7, 7:22am
Wasn't intended to be at all. Was just an honest question from a place of good intent. I am not interested in seeking out conflict on a MB lol life provides enough challenge without getting all hissy here. I have obviously ruffled your feathers and you have my apologies for that.
Regarding what recipes I have posted I have no need of your approval rain rain - if you want to see what recipes I have shared you can - just use the search function.
Be well. And keep on cookin'
Jan 7, 7:36am
Ohhhhhhh shucks! Sweet culinary dreams
Feb 5, 4:06pm
Well I did have one almost fail . I made a Helen Jackson chocolate thing & it was quite bitter (72% choc used) & guess what . I forgot the sugar in the filling. It was edible, but not one of my best desserts . next time I'll read the recipe properly!
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