freesia wrote: Jam setta comes in a sachet and you can buy it from the supermarket. You can also buy jam sugar that's made for the specific purpose of jam making. I think its a Chelsea product. Thanks to all of you for your help.[/quot a good squeeze of lemon juice will set anything
Jan 18, 7:49am
Becausethe jam is not cooking for ages (like traditionally) you need the jam setta, lemon juice isn't enough on it's own, I tried that one.
Jan 11, 8:21am
I have a Remington Big Loaf breadmaker. Sadly, I have no manual for it and haven't been able to get one. Does anyone know if I can make jam in it? I have had a breadmaker in the past that did a lovely jam. I'd appreciate any help with this.
Jan 11, 10:06am
Yes you can, there is a diferent pedal for it tho. Google your question.
Jan 11, 6:41pm
Why would you? It's so simple to do in a pot and would be faster too.
Jan 11, 7:17pm
totally agree with lythande. And a pot will take 3 kilos of fruit, a minimum I would bother with at a time.
Jan 11, 8:24pm
I spent ages trying to google it last night with no success. I only need small amounts of a jam at a time cos I only get small amounts of fruit from my little garden.
Jan 11, 8:39pm
my breadmaker says you can make jam I tried but feel the fruit should boil and this was not hot enough So to me wont be doing jam again in it
I have a Breville BM and make jam in it. It works out great and as there are only 2 of us, making small batches siuts our needs. I use 500g fruit, 1-1½cups sugar, 1½ tabls jam setta. In my machine, it takes 1.10 hrs to make a batch and no watching, stirring or burning.
Jan 12, 8:28am
Interesting. what setting do you use?
Jan 12, 8:57am
Can I ask what jam setta is? Is this a brand name?
Jan 12, 9:27am
Jam setta comes in a sachet and you can buy it from the supermarket. You can also buy jam sugar that's made for the specific purpose of jam making. I think its a Chelsea product. Thanks to all of you for your help.
Jan 13, 7:25am
I think it's setting No 8 for jam.
Jan 13, 7:27am
Jam setta is powdered pectin, made by Hansell's, I think. Usually find it in the same aisle as sugar in the SM.
Jan 13, 7:51am
Thank you freesia and Nauru. I looked for jam setta today in Countdown, with no luck but will try another supermarket tomorrow. I did manage to get the jam sugar mentioned though.
Jan 15, 7:41am
Jam Setting = 11 Total cycle time 1hour. I have just checked the manual for my Remington Big Loaf Bread maker Model BM 200 .
Jan 15, 9:07am
Razell, thank you. Do you have a basic jam recipe from the same book?
Jan 15, 9:25am
Unfortunately I don't have the manual any more. I gave the breadmaker away, complete with manual. Tonight I happened to be visiting the person I gave it to, so I checked while I was there.
I imagine the recipe would be pretty standard for any breadmaker with cooking time of 1 hour, so just use Google.
May 8, 9:50am
Ok Thanks. I will do that.
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