I am looking online however am wondering if anyone here who is sugar free has successfully substituted rice syrup with sugar given it is liquid versus solid? I did look for dextrose the other day as this is solid however the store I go to does not have it.
Apr 4, 8:16pm
Dextrose = glucose. It is a monosaccharide. Apparently, according to the NZ man who has gone sugar free, our bodies are well adapted to glucose (monosaccharides) as opposed to anything containing fructose (such as table sugar).
Have you investigated maple syrup (real maple syrup not the imitation stuff) or golden syrup yet? Both are liquid.
Rice syrup is a disaccharide - fructose and glucose together and takes longer to break down than a monosaccharide.
Perhaps you should get your dietitian to clarify it all for you.
Apr 4, 8:19pm
I am sugar free, mostly, and everything I have ever read tells me that eating any other type of sugar is the same as eating sugar.
Are you trying to be sugar free or are you looking for a substitute to table sugar for other reasons?
Apr 5, 12:13am
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
Maple syrup is high in fructose as is golden syrup. I wasn't seeking clarification on what sugar is what, as I have looked into all this, it was from using brown rice syrup a cooking perspective.
Apr 5, 12:15am
Sugars are quite different as far as how our body is able to use them, which is what interests me. I am trying to steer clear of fructose for health reasons (as opposed to weight reasons).
Apr 5, 2:14am
OK. Google rice syrup and decide for yourself whether its fructose content is acceptable to you.
Apr 5, 2:19am
Steering clear of sugar for health reasons is the best possible reason. The body is adapted to using glucose (monosaccharide) easily. It has a different digestive pathway to fructose which is why our bodies have the ability to break the bonds of all polysaccharides and reduce them to their single components.
He will tell you where you can buy dextrose but I am sure I have seen it in health food shops. I think he says you can buy it from brewers as well meaning it is probably found in the brewing section of the Supermarket.
Apr 5, 2:24am
Yes, even P&S have dextrose
Apr 5, 2:26am
As I read back I see my original post wasn't clear at all lol I was wondering why people were talking to me about sugars when I know about sugars (as much as I want to any way) and was interested in using rice syrup in cooking and thought I had asked whether anyone had done this successfully, or whether they used a granulated sweetener like dextrose. I know what I meant. Serves me right for typing a question last night when I was so tired. I left half the question out.
Apr 5, 2:27am
I live in a very small town. Will look to order online, or make a trip to Thames.
Apr 5, 3:15pm
Macrobiotic diets use rice syrup instead of sugar. Check out some macrobiotic sites for recipes.
Apr 6, 4:04pm
Sorry. No, I haven't used rice syrup as a sugar substitute. The people on the site I have given you a link too use dextrose all the time (they had a 10 litre bag of it in their TV clip) so their recipes will be helpful.
Apr 6, 9:03pm
Buzzy, I think the guy you link to based his diet on David Gillespie's book Sweet Poison, hence the use of dextrose.
Oct 30, 6:45pm
I haven't read that book. It sounds interesting. I see that David has put out a cookbook. awoftam would find that helpful?
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