A neighbor told me her mother used to make tomato jam to use up tomatoes (apparently it does taste good). I have tonnes of tomatoes that need to be used up, but the only recipe I have found uses 8 cups of sugar which is way too much for me! I was just wondering if anyone on here has a recipe!
Mar 13, 3:27am
samanya (11)7:01 pm, Sat 9 Mar #43
Ok Mock Rasberry Jam. Devine. 3kg tomatoe. 1.5kg sugar. 2 pkts jam set. 8 1ltr pkts of Raro juice.Rasberry.
Peel and core tomatoe.Cut small and boil till soft. Add jam set till and stir dissolved. Then add the sugar and boil for 15min. Add the Raro and boil a further 5min. The receipe says one pkt of jam set but I use two and it is far better. Remember to use firm tomatoe. This is awesome jam and everyone hates when it has run out. Enjoy. 11/12 jars.Firm fruit is the best.This is devine.
Mar 13, 3:31am
Approx 53cm u/arm to u/arm. Approx 73cm length.Thanks.
Mar 13, 7:16am
I have a recipe for 'tomato and chilli jam' if you are interested.great with cheese and crackers/bread.
Mar 13, 7:23am
Yeah that would be great thanks, anything to use up all my tomatoes!
TOMATO AND CHILLI JAM (A Year In My Kitchen) 1.5kg slow roasted tomatoes 1 tbsp yellow mustard seeds 150 ml red wine vinegar 75 g peeled fresh root ginger, chopped 7 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped 5 red chillies (reduce the amount if you don't like hot stuff, I like mine hot so I use more) 140g caster sugar (or 125g palm sugar) 4 tbsp fish sauce
Put the roasted tomatoes into a large saucepan. Toast the mustard seeds in a frying pan over a low heat until they begin to pop. Remove and pound to a fine powder, using a pestle and mortar. Add to the tomatoes along with all the other ingredients. Place over a very low heat and cook gently for 2 hours, strring regularly so that the mixture doesn't stick to the bottom. Store in the fridge in a covered bowl for a week or so, or in sterilised jars in a cool place for longer.
Slow roasted tomatoes 6 plum tomatoes 10 g caster sugar 10g sea salt 10g freshly ground black pepper Turn your oven on to its lowest possible setting - probably 100C/Gas 1/4. Halve the tomatoes lengthways and lay them cut side up in a single layer on a large baking tray. In a small bowl, mix together the sugar, salt and pepper, then sprinkle all over the cut surface of the tomatoes. Roast, undisturbed, in the oven for 3 -4 hours until they shrivel up - their pointy ends turning up like Turkish slippers. Remove and set aside until ready to use. Slow roasting intensifies the flavour, giving the tomatoes a deliciously sweet, earthy taste.
Both recipes are from the 'A year in my kitchen' cookbook by Skey Gyngell. The slow roasted tomatoes are delicious so I never bother with such a small batch as in the recipe above, I make heaps - as many as I can fit onto trays using all available shelves in the oven. I often place them in jars with herbs, garlic and olive oil. :D
Mar 17, 8:12am
oppps rofl not sure how those posts got in the way rofl. Take no notice nothing to do with jam thats for sure.
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