This is Omlette Cooking 101, I know but.Im using the Edmonds recipe and a stainless steel pan (prefer not to use non stick) so when I try to turn one half onto other it breaks up and it now resembles scrambled eggs! Our Nanas made them without non stick pans so what am I doing wrong! Thanks.
Jan 18, 10:24pm
What is the Edmonds recipe!
Jan 18, 10:36pm
2 eggs, 1 tbsp milk, salt and pepper, 2 tsps butter parsley Lightly beat egg and milk together, season with salt and pepper, heat an omelet pan, add butter, When foaming not brown, put mixture in, cook on moderate heat, lifting mixture with spatula so uncooked egg runs underneath. ( the previous step is where it goes pear shaped for me!) Cook egg till set and golden. Loosen from pan with spatula (yeah right! it sticks) Fold in half. Turn out onto dish. OK, now I didnt use an omlette pan, what are these!, and Im sure my Nana didnt use one! and I tried to fold one half over in the pan. I used Olivani instead of butter and I added an extra egg to the mix.
Jan 18, 10:42pm
Maybe the "omlette" is rebelling as I spelt it wrong in thread. ( In Edmonds cook book it is spelt "omelet" .)
Jan 18, 11:15pm
I dont add milk to mine, pour into pan, tilt pan so egg mixture goes all around i kinda scrape the spatula round the outside of the pan in a circle motion a couple of times if that makes sense- chuck my filling on one side (imagine half a circle) then fold the other half over the top- slides right put onto plate perfect everytime
Jan 18, 11:16pm
I do it that way always have though add cheese and other stuff :)
Sounds to me like your problem is not the recipe but rather a combination of technique and the stickyness of your pan. I also have an aversion to non stick coatings so use a dedicated cast iron omelette pan that is well seasoned and have few issues.
Jan 18, 11:20pm
Dont add milk Get the pan very very hot Whisk 2 or 3 eggs up (not too whisked) and then pour into the hot pan.
Angle the pan to move the liquid egg to that corner and pull the egg aside with your spatula. Keep doing this going around until there is no liquid egg left.
You can flip it now if you want, or you can put your filling in and fold it in on itself.
Add salt and pepper last, salt will screw with the uncooked egg best to add it last.
Jan 18, 11:22pm
Don't add milk.Just beat the eggs, salt and pepper briskly with a fork until they are well combined but not foamy.
Use butter, and plenty of it.I use a good tablespoonful per 2- 3 egg omelette.
Get the pan really hot: the butter should sizzle and start to brown as soon as you add it.Immediately add the eggs.Start pushing the sides in so that the mixture forms soft folds.It will take only a minuteto cook a 2 -3 egg omelette.Work really quickly, have your plate ready, as soon as the omelette is half-set add whatever filling you are using, fold one third over, tip carefully on to your plate so that the folded part falls on to the unfolded third as you tip it on to the plate.It's easier to do than to describe and I'm sure there will be plenty of Youtube videos demonstrating this.
An omelette pan is a shallow steel frying pan about 20cm in diameter.I have a very old one which I use all the time and it never sticks.
I think your problem is the pan and the use of margarine.
Jan 19, 2:50am
Buy a double omlete pan they are great.I also have an eletric one which is for omletes but do lots of other things in it. Worth buying.
Jan 19, 3:04am
Invest in a proper omelette pan (just a small heavy frypan which is rounded at the bottom outer edge) and season it.I do add milk to my omelettes, and once I've poured the mix into the pan, I let it sizzle for a few seconds, then with a wooden spatula move a portion of the outer edge into the centre so that the runny uncooked part is able to ooze into the gap that was left.Repeat several times gradually moving around the outside until the inner part is nicely setting.Add filling (if any), then just slide out of the pan onto the plate and when it's half out, just flip the second half onto the first.Done.
Jan 19, 1:43pm
Thanks for all the suggestions so far. What do you do to season a pan please! Thank you.
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