Those smallish "blitzers" where the blade is attached to the lid is just what I'm looking for. Does anyone out there know if they are available here! and if so, where have you seen them for sale! TIA
Oct 16, 2:47am
Yes we bought ours from Briscoes, it's Kenwoodbrand, wouldn'tbe without it
Oct 16, 3:35am
Kenwood Tri-blade, fantastic.
Oct 16, 7:36am
Just got the Kenwood tri blade from LV Martins for $139 on special and love it.
Oct 16, 8:06am
Yup, I bought mine from briscoes, think it was 40% off. Best thing I've bought in decades. Makes making soup soooo easy. Can't beileve I used to faff around with a rediculously small food processor, doing it a cup at a time, making one hell of a mess in the process.
Oct 16, 9:58am
Thanks everyone.really glad they can be purchased here! Must get myself one.
Oct 16, 7:02pm
I agree the triblade is great, I have their food processor, and the tirblade is so much better. Love the attachments that come with it, potato ricer, different blender stick attachments.
Oct 16, 7:09pm
I've got a BAMIX hand-held stick blender and a Magimix food processor - which ofcourse is brilliant but quite big.good for larger volumes of food - but the small "blitzer" they use on Masterchef looks really "nifty"! I also have a Bamix processor which is very small (minces garlic, onion, chilli, herbs etc.) and reasonably powerful but is about 20 years old and nowhere near as powerful as the ones you see being used on Masterchef. I really want to get one to replace the (Bamix) one I have. Had better write to Santa!
Oct 16, 10:49pm
Oh no i think I've been mistaken! I don't mean a stick blender (hand held tri-blade) - the "blitzers" that are used on Masterchef are not stick blenders - they use them too occasionally, but I'm trying to describe someting else.and obviously not doing a very good job of it! LOL! Nevermind.
Oct 17, 12:15am
Are you talking about Magic Bullet type blenders where the blade is in the lid, and the ingredients go in the mixing/serving cup!
Oct 17, 12:24am
I don't watch Masterchef but I think you are describing my favourite kitchen gadget. I've checked out the small blitzers at Briscoes. they are great but are not the same as the little blitzer I bought from a show. It is a stick blender but it came with a small 'pod type thing' that has a blade that is powered by a small fitting in the lid. The motor part of the Stick fits onto the lid and does small blitzing jobs. I got two of these. One for me and one for my DD when her first baby was about to be weaned.
It is the most amazing gadget and so simple to use. I preferred this over the other machines that are powered by a motor at the bottom because of its simplicity and the fact that I could store the stick on a bracket on the wall and access it whenever I wanted. It also has a beating attachment that can be used on the stick.
Is this the sort of thing you mean!
Oct 17, 12:26am
Is it the thermomix! Sorry - no I don't think this is it, having re-read the question. Has anyone got a thermomix!
Oct 17, 1:09am
I think so.LOL!I'm pretty sure the blade is attached to the lid and the lid fits over a recepticle. It looks about 6 inches or so deep and it's diameter looks about 16 cms.oh and they have a long cord and the lid looks dark grey in colour.
Oct 17, 1:13am
No it's not a Thermomix. If you've been watching Masterchef Australia and Masterchef All Stars you would have seen them; they only seem to use them occasionally for 'small jobs' - like whizzing up praline or small mixtures instead of the larger food processor.
Oct 17, 1:33am
What exactly is it you want to know about them! Mine more or less fits your description.
Oct 17, 2:18am
this is the one you probably got at the showbuzzy - but you get a deal of course at the show, i think 2 for $199, work out $100 each - not the price on website, but this is the product that i think buzzy thread 11 is referring to, and have seen very similar ones used on masterchef.i have one of these and love this the sort of thing you are referring to carlos !
Oct 17, 2:33am
I haven't seen them to buy and was wondering where I might be able to get one from (read my post #1)
Oct 17, 2:35am
No.I have a hand held blender stick blender - a Bamix - just like the one shown on your link. The one I'm trying to describe is a little different- see my post # 13
Oct 17, 3:39am
I see. I have been mistaken.
Take a look at this site. I couldn't see what you were looking for but I'm not sure what it is your are seeking. It has photos and specs of all of the appliances used on Masterchef.
Thank you! The 2nd link you gave is very similar to one I was trying to describe.the problem is though that it has to be wired for NZ plug/power points. But, yes.this is what I want to get, so am hoping that they are sold here in NZ.somewhere!
Oct 17, 5:39pm
You'll find them everywhere but the bowl type attachment might be in a box and not obviously visible. It's just a Kenwood Kmix blender. Briscoes and Noel Leeming etc should have them/ Farmers too, probably. You just unscrew the bottom part of the stab mixer and screw it into the top of the bowl which has a blade thingy in it. The motor is in the top part of the stab mixer.
Oct 17, 6:30pm
In the end I sent Kate Bracks (Masterchef) and email to see if she could shed some light on the subject. I received a very nice email back from her to say that Sunbeam make them, so will now try and source one. If/when i get one I'll pop back here with a pic of it. Thanks everyone for your help with this.
Oct 17, 6:38pm
The SM8900 (StickMaster Smart System) offers more than what the usual stick blender does:
. Bumping for those who were helping me identify the "blitzer"
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