Luv that lady.she is my style of cook. not afraid to get her hands in to mix the scones.or a bit of flour on her pinny.and her recipes are awesome. all just great food, easy instructions and great results.not about "How good I look on TV.".
Oct 19, 3:56am
Yea I like her too, she has some lovely recipes, I love to make one of her salad dressings, which is a real favourite of mine.Also a xmas cake recipe which I made last year and will do again for 2012
Oct 19, 4:34am
.Like who for example!
Oct 19, 4:39am
l like her sunny bubbly personality and her get up and go she is not all about me she would be a fun person to spend time with
Oct 19, 4:58am
I know you're a big fan of the other Annabel and she has her own following, but I think the OP is describing a connectedness to ordinary home cooks that Annabelle White exhibits.
I saw in General that some rather unkind people were poking fun at Annabel Langbein's diction and after reading their comments I did notice a similarity between her delivery and that of the two posh shop assistants, Prue and Trude, in Kath & Kim ;)
Oct 19, 5:28am
elliehen you have it exactly right.thankyou.
Oct 19, 5:28am
I'm a BIG fan of a number of cooks and chefs.not just ".the other Annabel". By quoting my post (#3), are you inferring that Annabel is someone that is all about ".how to look good on TV"!
Oct 26, 11:54pm
Well I like both of the Annabelles, two different ladies who both come out with some lovely recipes and food ideas. They are two different people and I happen to like them both for different reasons.
Oct 27, 12:14am
still got to love Prue and Trude , love to have a TV program of them
Oct 27, 4:08am
I think they are fabulous! They satirise snobby shop assistants who like to judge their customers - similar to the current news story about the UK bride who was accidentally sent an email by a booking agent intended for a colleague.The agent was asking her colleague for suggestions on how to put off the potential client because she was not the sort of person they encouraged in their posh reception hall.
I think they are fabulous! They satirise snobby shop assistants who like to judge their customers - see below the current news story about the UK bride who was accidentally sent an email by a booking agent intended for a colleague.The agent was asking her colleague for suggestions on how to put off the potential client because she was not the sort of person they encouraged in their posh reception hall.
The Free Range cookhas timed it perfectly.Just in time for her book launching.KA CHING!.Money, money!
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