Never cooked with leeks before, do I use the whole thing or just the white bit, or use the white part and the leaves in different ways!Thanks!Lots of recipes here for leeks so keen to try but not quite sure if the leaves get added too. :-)
Oct 3, 12:44am
No just the white bit, and wash it thoroughly there can be quite a bit of dirt between the layers.
Oct 3, 12:46am
nunesy, it is usual to use some of the very light green part at the top of the leek, unless the particular recipe states otherwise.The very green/darker green leaves at the top tend to be less tender however unless they're withered or dry, they can be used to flavour stocks - if not needing to make stock right now simply freeze those top leaves and remember to use them next time you are making stock.
Hope that helps.:-))
Oct 3, 12:55am
Ok thanks - thought they might be able to be stirfried but wanted to check!
Oct 3, 1:06am
yes you can use the green bit, about 2 thirds white, one third dark green
Oct 3, 1:21am
Use it all, what else do you do with it!
Oct 3, 1:25am
I could make some impolite suggestions
Oct 3, 1:27am
I use it all, trim a little of the dark green off, then chop the lot. Waste of a good part of the vegetable it you throw away the dark green leaves. Same as not using the inner green leaves on a cauli and broccoli. basically you are wasting money and yes they are good for you.
Oct 3, 1:31am
Me too. I also use the centre stalk of broccoli. Just peel all the woody layer off and in it goes with the rest.
Oct 3, 1:40am
Mine are from my garden and home grown leeks definately need trimming, splitting in half lengthways, and a good wash
Oct 4, 11:24pm
Chopping up the leek BEFORE washing it is something that I only started doing recently, but it is so much easier than trying to wash it first. Just give all the bits a good rinse in a colander to get all the dirt off before you start cooking. Your chopping board will need a wash too :-)
Oct 5, 2:55am
What a great idea, thank you!
Oct 5, 1:46pm
No reason you can't use all of it. I usually leave the very top though, stop at about the spot it's not compact and opens out. Like spring onions, most people through the tops away, you'll never see an asian chef do that.
Oct 5, 2:44pm
With the price of veggies--- I eat the lot,. Sometimes feel like helping myself to the outer leaves of lettuce that people discard in the super market.
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