Recipe Database

amanda72, Sep 10, 1:16am
Just wondering what people use to collate their recipes in one place. Currently I have 100s of recipes on pieces of paper and would like to have them online, whether on a downloaded recipe database or online software. Is anyone able to help me please! Thanks

245sam, Sep 10, 1:25am
amanda72, try doing a search here on this Trademe MB recipes as the Keywords and Last year as the Date posted option - I'm sure that this has been discussed previously so you should find some earlier threads with ideas/suggestions.:-))

amanda72, Sep 10, 1:46am
Thanks 245sam, I didn't think of store recipes as the keywords.I have found what i am looking for.

sooseque, Sep 10, 2:02am
I think I got this one from the message board here, saved to my favorites but have not used it yet

amanda72, Sep 10, 2:09am
I just downloaded the software from looks good as I can load my recipes on my computer, sync them onto my website login and then I can use the recipes in the kitchen on my samsung galaxy via the internet.Perfect!

spuddybuddy, Sep 10, 5:14pm
I use a website, you are into menu planning as well it's a quick and easy way to so it.Also has an app you can download to your phone.

pickles7, Sep 10, 6:56pm

dkebab1, Sep 10, 6:57pm
I have a document file on my computer with recipes, Every so often i cull them or print them off and put in my recipe folder.