Hi all, don't usually use curries or chillies as the man about the house does not like anything spicy. However I am making the above for others who love their spicy food - would a red chilli, finely diced, be okay! How many for 500g of meat, for a fairly hot bite!
Aug 16, 5:14am
I love that crushed chilli in oil; found in small jars sometimes in the vege department at the supermarche.I use half a teaspoon for tame or leopard-print level; more for vixen-level.
Aug 16, 5:16am
Opps.startly slowly and taste, taste, taste.Whoa.you're hot!
Aug 16, 5:46am
Just separate out a bit for the man, and add chillies into the rest at the last bit of cooking time.
Aug 16, 9:19am
I like spicy food and you can't go wrong with adding a finely diced capsicum to your basic bolognaise and a few dried chilli flakes.
Aug 16, 9:25am
A small pinch of ground allspice gives a depth of flavour and a small amount of brown sugar.
Aug 19, 2:40am
Thanks all, hubbys not in the equation this time, just the ladies, so I better make it vixen hot!
Aug 19, 7:07am
I love a decent splash (okay more of a big sploooooosh!) of sherry/port/fortified wine . gives it a certain *mmmmm* factor
Aug 19, 7:09am
Serve hubbys first and then add some chilli sauce to the rest
Aug 19, 7:39am
Lol, as I said above, hubby not eating with us, just the ladies!
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