Orange and maple syrup sauce.

johnwood, Jul 31, 6:19pm
I made this for some veggies.Now I can't find the recipe anywhere.

245sam, Jul 31, 6:26pm
johnwood, I can't help you with the specific recipe you're wanting however you might like to try the sauce in this recipe and replace the sugar with your maple syrup.

2-3 cups (310g-465g) frozen peas
1 tbsp sugar
1-2 tsp cornflour
½ tsp each ofsaltandgrated orange rind
½ cup orange juice
2 tbsp butter

Cook the peas in a small amount of unsalted boiling water, then drain them well.
Meanwhile, in a microwave-proof bowl mix the sugar, cornflour, salt and orange rind.Gradually mix in the orange juice.Cook on 100% power/HIGH until thickened and just boiling, stirring every 1 minute.Add the butter and stir until the butter is melted.Reheat the sauce if necessary, then add the peas and stir through gently.Reheat again if necessary, then serve.
Note:This sauce freezes really well so it can be convenient to make twice the above recipe and freeze half of the sauce for later use.

Hope that helps.:-))

fifie, Jul 31, 7:22pm
Was it a glaze!found one here scroll down to glazed carrots might help.