Buttercream Icing I always use this recipe when I ice my cakes, our house is very warm and I have never had any problems with it. Dont put your cake into the fridge overnight as it goes hard.
1/2 c butter, 1/2 c chefade, softened (mix together until they look white) 4 c sifted icing sugar, 2 to 3 tbls of milk. Slowly add in the icing sugar and mix well in between. Add milk one tablespoon at a time, you want the mix to be like very thick whipped cream. This buttercream will not melt and it will harden on sitting. You can not taste the chefade and it doesnt taste or feel fatty at all. It can be coloured any colour you want. Dont put your fondant decorations onto wet buttercream as it can melt, leave it to dry for a couple of hours first or over night if possible before decorating.
Quoteeternity04 (67 )8:46 am, Tue 14 Feb #7
Aug 7, 9:04am
I'm making a birthday cake for my son this weekend. I had a practice run and everything was great except the buttercream. It would be fine if it was staying white but I'm colouring it so it doesn't look very good. Help!! What have I done wrong and why is it splitting! I don't follow a recipe as such is this the problem! Any recipes I could use or tips please would be great :-)
Aug 7, 9:09am
my first thought would be to add a bit of extra icing sugar to compensate adding liquid food colouring (if that is what you are using). I would just keep adding a little bit at a time until it looked like it had come together again.
Aug 7, 9:56am
It may depend on what butter you are using.I always had trouble making mock cream (equal amounts of butter, sugar and boiling water) until I started using butter without water being an ingredient.Tararua has only cream and salt in it and I've had no more trouble beating without it splitting/curdling.
Aug 7, 10:54am
Thanks, I tried more icing sugar, also tried putting it in the fridge to set then beating it again but didn't have any luck.
Aug 7, 8:35pm
I use to have the same trouble, thought it could have been the soya butter I was using so mixed the food colouring in the icing sugar before adding the butter and it seemed to work for me.
Aug 7, 9:31pm
put your bowl in a sink with ice water in it and keep beating
Aug 8, 3:35am
Thanks will give that a go if it happens this tomorrow.
Aug 8, 3:38am
I don't think I've ever had butter cream split on me - what ratio of sugar to butter are you using, and what colouring are you using!How soft is your butter!I use gel colourings because you don't need much to get a good strong colour so your icing doesn't go too runny.
Aug 8, 3:44am
Is the mix getting too warm while you're making it!If so, put it in the fridge or freezer to chill it and then beat again.
Aug 8, 4:14am
Possibly. I don't really have a recipe as such, does anyone have one to post! I'm using gel colours aswell. Tried to put it in the fridge then best it again but it didn't make a difference. Maybe I didn't leave it in the fridge long enough!
Aug 8, 4:14am
Oops best = beat silly iPhone auto correct!
Aug 8, 4:23am
I use 1 butter to 2 icing sugar and a little milk if necessary, for example, 100g of butter to 200g icing sugar.Cream the butter and then gradually add the icing sugar.
Aug 8, 4:28am
Thanks for your help I'll give it a go. I don't usually cream the butter before adding the icing sugar. I chuck it all in at once then whip it. Maybe that's where I'm going wrong! ;-)
Aug 8, 4:38am
I'm with sarab5, I ususally leave my butter to cream for about 5 or 6 minutes before adding the icing sugar in very small amounts.I use boiling water for my liquid instead of milk- mainly because of warm temperatures in Brisbane.
Aug 8, 6:33am
What colour are you trying to make, and are you using liquid or gel!Because if its a colour like red or black where you add alot of colour to it sometimes it does that. I always try to keep the butter cold, so don't melt it in the microwave, you want it soft but not melted. and whip whip whip and I add gel colour to mine although you can add milk.I find the gel colours just mix in so much better.
Aug 8, 7:31am
I'm using gel colours and it's he colours are blue, black and red. The buttercream split before adding the colours. I'll try keeping it cold and will whip it well before adding icing sugar.
Aug 8, 9:05am
oh strange, I haven't had that happen. I soften my butter very slowly in the microwave on 3 percent power for 20 seconds at a time, takes usually 2 mins but I can keep a close eye on it, then I add approx 1 cup of icing sugar to the mixer and mix mix mix slowly adding icing sugar as needed, if I add alittle to much sugar I soften it again with a dash of milk. then I colour t to suit my needs. Hope you have better luck this time.
Aug 8, 10:01am
your not adding Van essence to it are you, sometimes it splits when it is added too
Aug 8, 12:37pm
No, not adding any essence. Fingers crossed for a better run next time.
Aug 9, 8:24am
I used to have lots of trouble until my elderly neighbour gave me this recipe. Cream 2 ozs icing sugar with 2 ozs soft butter Disolve 1tspgelatinein 4 Tbs warm water add then beat well and add any flavour you like when you go to use it.
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