can anyone tell me about the recycling of the pods !Have almost 20 i am hanging on to .
Jul 15, 6:09pm
surely it can go into the recycle bin with cans and stuff! i have them too and its all aluminium which is recyclable
Jul 15, 6:11pm
If they still have grounds in them, open and put into a container and use the grounds in your garden. The coffee grounds add nitrogen to the soil. The covers can then go in your recycle i would imagine.
Jul 15, 6:27pm
i thought nespresso had their own system /collection !will just do the home recycling thing then , thanks guys !
Jul 17, 7:49pm
Don't use nespresso so not sure what the 'wrappers' are made from but, coffee grinds are great in the compost!
Jul 17, 8:48pm
You can reuse them by refilling with coffee and covering with tin foil.
Jul 18, 2:18am
may try that dreamer . thx
Jul 20, 1:53am
Is it nice coffee!
Jul 20, 3:19am
if you want to recycle them they'll need a VERY good rinse - there's always heaps of coffee left in them!
Jul 20, 5:03am
Azaleas, Rhododendrons and Daphne love coffee grounds.
Jul 20, 5:13pm
I love my nespresso. too lazy to recycle tho, takes ages to empty the pods out so I just biff them in the bin. Not good I know. Has anyone here bought any of the special blends ie vanilla, caramel etc. I think they bring them out atChristmas but never saw any so Im not sure if they made it to NZ.
Jul 21, 2:35am
The shop in Newmarket has a drop box where you can drop them into.mmm seems to much of a hassle eh!
Jul 21, 2:37am
You can take them into the Nespresso Store in New Market, they take them and that store is Fantastic, we went there last week,
Jul 21, 4:41am
but won't that affect the warranty! assuming the machine is still under warranty. but i have read that you can buy reusable pods. i've seen them on Tradme sometimes. i might give that a go when the warranty expires
Jul 21, 4:42am
oooooh i hope they do! might be worth checking out the website near christmas time!
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