Chop Suey recipe please

1buzemum, Jul 3, 11:07pm
does anyone have a tasty chop Suey recipe with vermicelli, I found a nice looking one on google the other day where you marinaded the meat (I will need to because using Schnitzel) but now I can't find it again.

sultana0, Jul 3, 11:49pm
I just fudge mine, Chop or slice meat into strips or chunks and marinate in fresh chopped garlic and ginger, a little oil and soy sauce for an hour or so. Chop an onion, Shred/ slice a cabbage, either use fresh or frozen veg (carrot, zuch, peas, beans etc), salt to taste (I use a chicken stock cube). One bundle of fine vermicelli cooked and drained. Some light soy, half a cup of cold water mixed with cornflour approx a pudding spoon. Boil water in your jug to add after the cabbage.
In a big pot cook /brown the meat for a few minutes on med/high, add onion for a few mins,add veg for a few mins (keep stirring or folding the contents) you can add more sliced garlic if you want as well. Add the cabbage and stir fry for a few more mins until sort of cooked and add a couple or few cups of hot jug water , turn the heat down to low/med and stir in the cornflour water to slightly thicken then add the vermicelli. Gently fold through and add soy/ salt or chicken stock to taste. Turn heat down and let the noodles soak the liquid up a bit. (add more water if you need to. Capsicums goes nice with this as well as adding colour. Hope this helps. cheers Mr Sultana

1buzemum, Jul 4, 12:31am
Thanks Mr Sultana

sultana0, Jul 4, 12:50am
You're welcome, Mrs Sultana doesn't complain, she calls me 'Chef Da Maori'

bbq-bro, Jul 4, 1:01am
cant go wrong with this one.!v=9_2BBtawmP8