I want to make a dish but it says to add thick cream at the end . . . what is thick cream!Some ppl say its whipped cream but surely you wouldn't mix a pasta dish with ham & brocoli with whipped cream!
Jul 3, 5:48pm
mmm. there is a thick cream sold in the milk dept. cant think what it is called tho. what else is in the dish. wonder if the evaporated milk would do the trick.
Jul 3, 5:54pm
Thickened cream is available in the supermarket. often people will substitute with sour cream, stirred in at the end and in fact, personally, i often use that instead in pasta dishes as it has more flavour.
Jul 3, 7:19pm
Use creme fraiche.
Jul 3, 7:41pm
or the philly cooking cream! havnt seent that ad for a while
Jul 3, 9:32pm
or anchor longlife
Jul 4, 6:34am
If the recipe is a British one their thick or double cream is our ordinary cream if that helps.
Jul 4, 6:45am
I certainly wouldn't use evaporated milk in a savoury pasta dish
Jul 4, 2:55pm
i used some reduced cream out of the tin you use for making dip in my pasta it was really nice and it thickened it quite alot though.
Jul 4, 9:21pm
Why not! It's not usually sweetened. I have used it in butter chicken before instead of cream and it was great
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