we are coming to THAT time of year again! i got over buying cough medicine for my daughter as it never seemed to work so i hit the natural health books and i LOVE this recipe
1 cup of boiling water 2 tablespoons of thyme pour the water over the thyme,cover with gladwrap and leave for 20mins then strain. throw away the thyme. to the left over water mixture add 1/2 cup of honey and mix. give a tablespoon at a time as needed. this tastes damn terrible but works great and when theres a wee choc fish or something afterwards to get rid of the taste little miss doesnt seem to protest!
Apr 4, 12:50am
Thanks for posting the recipe lumpy05.It reminds me of the cough medicine that my DH bought for me whilst we were in Dubai en route to the UK for our daughter's and son-in-law's Wedding Blessing in 3-4 days time.The thyme-based mixture wasn't the most pleasant to take however the Indian pharmicist assured my DH that in 3 day's time I'd be good as and he was right - that potion worked a treat! so thanks again for your version of what I believe is a very similar remedy.:-))
Apr 4, 1:29am
I pour a litre of home made vodka into a wide mouth glass jar and then fill it with fresh raspberries from garden as they ripen. When it's filled - let it sit a week or two then strain the raspberries out and add another litre of vodka to the jar and top up with a simple sugar (inverted) syrup - a daily dose or two keeps the coughs at bay.
Apr 4, 1:40am
I've just made this, lumpy.do you keep it in the fridge and for how long will it last please!I'm in the throws of a very bad cough at the moment.
Apr 4, 2:18am
Interesting notes above, have a Saudi student, had a wee cough so made a mug of tea using slivers of ginger as the infused item added a dash of lemon juice and a bit of honey, it disappeared the following day.
Apr 4, 3:19am
Slice an onion and put in a bowl. Sprinkle with brown sugar and leave to sit, covered. Sip the juice that forms.
Apr 4, 8:33pm
mmm throes.sickness has not helped my spelling/grammar!
Apr 4, 8:54pm
Well i didn't want to say anything.hehe
Apr 4, 9:09pm
i keep mine in the fridge for up to 3 days. my 4 year old got the flu and them a cough that we couldnt get rid of. after 3 weeks of no sleep and too many doc appointments mum and i found this recipe. i gave her a spoon full before bed and she managed to FINALLY have a decent sleep. cough was gone within 3 days
Apr 4, 9:14pm
I remember my mother making a baby's cough mixture for my younger sister from equal parts of olive oil, lemon juice and glycerine.It had to be shaken.I suspect she got the olive oil from the chemist as it was not something we had in the house in 50 years ago.
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