White chocolate bacardi cheese cake?

k-r123, Apr 15, 9:35pm
Hey, does anyone have this recipe!

Or just a yum white chocolate cheese cake recipe!

I found the one with Bacardi in it a few years ago, but I can't seem to find it now.


chicco2, Apr 15, 11:41pm
I had this one from the boards, not sure who posted it.
White chocolate cheesecake
BASE 100g Melted Butter 1 packet Wine biscuits, crushed, (can use Gingernuts.)
FILLING 500g cream cheese 1 tsp vanilla essence 1/2 c castor sugar 150g white choclate 1/2 c Thickened cream Chopped or grate chocolate for decoration Mix together melted butter and biscuits. Press into spring form tin In a food processor, beat together the cream cheese, vanilla essence and castor sugar until light and fluffy Melt chocolate in microwace slowly (30 second bursts with stirring in between) Fold thickened cream and chocolate mixture into cream cheese mix Pour over base and refridgerate at least 2 hours

iriegirl, Apr 16, 12:13am
k-r123, this is definately our fav, I have used this recipe as a base for others as well eg. mango, passionfruit and white chocolate, pina colada, mint timtam and white chocolate etc, combos are limitless!

k-r123, Apr 16, 2:25am
Yummmmmm thank you both :)

willyow, Apr 16, 2:54pm
I think I put on a kilo just reading the recipe!