Right! So. I need to lose weight .

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rowie2k, Mar 26, 8:50am
You are so exact with numbers, that normally means BS.

But let me entertain you, you burn roughly 350-400 calories an hour on a gym bike, at a reasonable pace. I would love to see these numbers on the bike. pxt if you can :-) So i have no idea where you got measly 700 from! at 400 an hour, and thats me being generous you are burning at most 1600 and i say at most as there is NO way you cycle the first hour at the same pace as the last hour.

BTW You are cycling 380 kms a week! Are you Lance Armstrong!

Feel free to show me pxts that show otherwise, shouldnt be a problem as you have your phone with you

lizshaw25, Mar 27, 12:04am
@rowie2k, I burn 550 per hour.I rounded down.Email me your email and I'm happy to provide pictorial evidence.In fact add me to Facebook seeing as you don't believe me.I have nothing to gain from lying.

So salads are now unhealthy!Eating breakfast is unhealthy!


lizshaw25, Mar 27, 12:04am
@rowie2k, I burn 550 per hour.I rounded down.Email me your email and I'm happy to provide pictorial evidence.In fact add me to Facebook seeing as you don't believe me.I have nothing to gain from lying.

So salads are now unhealthy!Eating breakfast is unhealthy!


My numbers are exact because I intend to drop these last 5.5 kilos successfully.

Unless you've been both extremes you have no idea just how painful things were a few weeks ago.I'm successfully losing weight and that means following a rigid plan.

vmax2, Mar 27, 12:24am
What will you do when you reach your goal weight!Will you carry on exercising at the same rate!Will you carry on eating the same food as you do now!

pacolson, Mar 27, 12:35am
Bumper bars != breakfast
And there's healthier salads than "a subway salad with sauce and cheese"

A diet of bumper bars, orange juice, coffee, and fast-food 'salads' is not healthy. Just because you're apparently losing weight doesn't mean your dietary habits are 'healthy'.

You live off sugar and fat.

rowie2k, Mar 27, 12:41am
I have seen your "weight loss" pictures, you look almost the same as you did when you thought you could be an MP. 15 kgs for someone your height would show as it is pretty drastic

What speed do you ride! You are not burning the same amount for each hour as you cannot keep the exact same pace for 4 hours.

Before you stated you lose 2000-2300, now you have exact 550 per hour, every time i see you post your calorie burn the numbers are changing

How about you post your weight lose pics right here and show people how successful you are

stikman13, Mar 27, 2:27am
what coffee are we talking about!
and OJ - freshly squeezed! did you try just fruit!

vintagekitty, Mar 27, 3:01am
eeww is that "That" Liz Shaw!

vintagekitty, Mar 27, 3:11am
well, I would have thought losing weight would be the least of her problems.

lizshaw25, Mar 27, 3:11am
I have no intention of quitting the gym once I get to my goal.I workout for two reasons:
1 - weight loss.
2 - any frustration I can burn at the gym.

Re: the pictures, trust me, there is a lot of difference but you know what, I could be size 4 and you'd probably still call me fat and it's about me getting back to the size I was before the media crap.

Like I say, think what you want.I know the truth.

lizshaw25, Mar 27, 3:11am
I have no intention of quitting the gym once I get to my goal.I workout for two reasons:
1 - weight loss.
2 - any frustration I can burn at the gym.

Re: the pictures, trust me, there is a lot of difference but you know what, I could be size 4 and you'd probably still call me fat and it's about me getting back to the size I was before the media crap.

Like I say, think what you want.I know the truth.When I started I was 85.9 kilos and now I'm 67.5 and 62 is my next goal but I'm actually aiming to get back to 55 kilos so don't say there's no difference because there is.

And quite honestly, I think you're just being a jerk for the sake of it.

It's lucky I'm cycling though so I can exercise any anger towards you away.

aliawesome, Mar 27, 3:41am
How the fuck can you work out PROPERLY at the gym while typing all this shit on your phone!

homer76, Mar 27, 3:43am
Yes, pity all that cycling won't translate to a media job.

homer76, Mar 27, 3:45am
Oh and Liz no one said "eating breakfast is unhealthy" or "salads are unhealthy". It's *what* you're eating (aside from the salad) that's unhealthy. Orange juice and coffee for lunch! Please.

lizshaw25, Mar 27, 3:52am
I'm done with you losers.GROW UP!

homer76, Mar 27, 3:54am
Typical Liz response when she can't think of a proper answer :)

homer76, Mar 27, 3:54am
Typical Liz response when she's flustered and losing and can't think of a proper answer :)

buzzy110, Mar 27, 4:01am
I am getting a bit fed up seeing homer and one other poster stalking you and making very nasty remarks.

Here are the rules: "Messages that contain abuse of other traders". You have a case. Contact TM through the complaints process and ask for the offending posts to be removed.

Vintagekitty made a particularly nasty post. That needs to be dealt with.

buzzy110, Mar 27, 4:01am
I am getting a bit fed up seeing homer and one other poster stalking you and making very nasty remarks.

Here are the rules: "Messages that contain abuse of other traders". You have a case. Contact TM through the complaints process and ask for the offending posts to be removed.

Vintagekitty made a particularly nasty post. That needs to be dealt with.

Just go to the bottom and click on "Report It Here" and note down all of the posts you find offensive. I'd start with the ones that are personal toward you.

ansypansy1, Mar 27, 4:02am
I wish it would do the same for me. I was having two slices of toast and jam for breakfast, and the same for lunch. No morning tea, no more than one biscuit for afternoon tea, and a healthy dinner.
I swapped over to muesli, chia seeds, ground linseed, for breakfast, and I'm still full at lunchtime, so I don't eat now till 3pm. Have I lost anything in a month. NOT A SKERRICK

homer76, Mar 27, 4:03am
Okay, but have you not noticed how Liz attacks people for simply disagreeing with her, or even worse, trying to help! Can you honestly say that what you think she is doing is even remotely healthy!

homer76, Mar 27, 4:03am
Okay, but have you not noticed how Liz attacks people for simply disagreeing with her, or even worse, trying to help! Can you honestly say that what you think she is doing is even remotely healthy!

If she actually paid attention to what people were saying to her rather than thinking "I'm right, my method is the best, end of story" or even some proper reasons as to why her way is better, you would find people would stop personal attacks on her. As it is she isn't interested in any point of view but her own, it's no wonder people give her hell.

buzzy110, Mar 27, 4:10am
She has an opinion. I have not seen any evidence in this thread that she attacked anyone else other than to defend herself.

Your own behaviour is not the best. You went into parenting and attacked without provocation. I hope liz sees my post and actually does report you to TM.

homer76, Mar 27, 4:13am
Sure, but she's not open to listening to anyone else's opinion.

There are lots of other threads where she has attacked people and those threads were reported and deleted. One particularly nasty one of hers involved the Wairarapa balloon accident earlier this year. She demanded to know the names of the people who died before their families were told, saying it was (somehow) in the public interest. Lovely.

lizshaw25, Mar 27, 4:22am
Getting back to the topic, 4 hours a day isn't excessive if you're also exercising out of anger.

And if people lose weight for other people it's the wrong reason.I'm using the weight, just like many other posters for myself and I think that's what makes it so different.

I was genuinely horrified 7 weeks ago when I was 85.9 kilos, and I don't know about you but I think it's better to fix something that you're angry about rather than complaining about being fat.

I exercise because my former BMI of 33.1 was disturbing.I can't physically sit at home anymore.Until the weights off I have to work out.

Maybe other people like being obese but I hated being obese and now I'm not, so no, I'm losing weight for the right reason and maybe others would sit back doing nothing but that's not my style.

Doing 4 hours a day at a gym and eating veges is a damn sight healthier than obesity.