Right! So. I need to lose weight .

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emzstrange, Mar 18, 6:58am
A problem most of us face now and then.

I've now almost hit 25, and i've hit that wall everyone said I would "When I hit 25 the weight just piled on and i could no longer eat what I wanted!"

Now, im not sure if that is totally the matter - I don't eat very badly, and i don't consider myself to be too much of a couch potato (live on a lifestyle block so do need to walk around a bit!)

SO anyway - Just lately I realise. Hmm. I can't fit ANY of my old clothes. Not even a bit. Depression sets in. The eating side doesn't help. Hubby thinks you can eat whatever you want so long as you exercise it off, sure that's fine, but when he's wanting white bread in the house all the time sometimes it's easier just to eat it then fight him against why you're not.!

So today is here, and I really realise I need to make a change. You know it's bad when friends and hubby comments on it. Eek!

What I am wanting to know is any easy changes you guys have made in diets (meal ideas, recipies (man friendly)) that will help me with my voyage. I will be starting my daily walks/progressing to runs a few days a week and trying to become fitter again.

angel404, Mar 18, 7:28am
I cook mostly the same for my family as i did before i wanted to lose weight but the difference now is - that i just dont EAT those things. For example. Tonight we had meat, mashed parsnip and carrots, corn cobbs and potato bake for dinner. I just had meat with vege and no potato bake. We have bread in the house - i just dont eat it (or buy what i want and keep it in freezer and use as needed). Same with baking - i bake cupcakes for the kids - i simply dont eat them. Its all about willpower for me.

purplegoanna, Mar 18, 7:34am
start of with buying a good probiotic (tablets), i did 2 weeks ago and its changed my life, my eating habits have completely changed, theyve made me filler for longer, some days im even skipping meals due to being still full from the previous meal.then just cutdown your sugars, and carbs ie spuds, breads, pasta and rices.

pattie13, Mar 18, 8:44am
Please, what brand of probiotic and where. This sounds good to me. I travelled thru middle oz- no bread, dairy, baking for 9weeks, drank 3-4 litres water a day and no eating between meals - lost 8kgs.

lythande1, Mar 18, 8:30pm
1)No you probably don't.
2)Yes, your food intake can be balanced by your activity.
3)What has what he eats got to do with you! My husband likes squashy white bread, so I buy 2 sorts, his and mine, freeze half a loaf of each at a time, as it's too much having a whole loaf each.
To lose weight - forever, and not while you "diet", you need to - permanently - increase your activity level - unlikely unless you take up some manual labouring job - or reduce the amount you eat. Forever.
But people don't like that, and thus persistent with pointless diets, removing certain things, or eating differently for a short time. Never works.

gracie3, Mar 18, 8:30pm
I would also like to hear about the probiotic.

gracie3, Mar 18, 8:32pm
I lost heaps upping my veggie/water intake and buying 99% fat free stuff.

bedazzledjewels, Mar 18, 8:32pm

rojin, Mar 18, 8:53pm
Did anyone watch the Sunday programme last night with the ex Wallaby rugby player Peter Fitzsimmons. He was wanting/needing to loose weight andhappened to read a book about sugar being one of the top reasons for weight gain.
For two months he still had a fry up for breakfast, sausages, eggs, bacon etc . and anything else he felt like but just no sugar. As he found out looking on the back of packets, lots of hidden sugars are in processed items like a packet of dried apple slices etc .
In the two months by just doing this and a bit of exercise he lost 20 kg.
If you didn't see the programme either go to TVNZ On Demand or they repeat the Sunday programme the following Sunday morning at around 6 or 7am. So it will be repeated next Sunday morning on TV1.
Good luck as I will be giving it a go as well.

bedazzledjewels, Mar 18, 9:44pm
The name of David Gillespie's book is "Big Fat Lies." and it's available to borrow from Auckland libraries. There are some sugar threads over in Health.

blueskyday, Mar 18, 9:47pm
I am also pondering this question.I am trying to develop some new habits.In the last month i have lost 3kg with no sweat.One simple change is that I do NOT eat cake at birthday parties now.I have a 5 year old daughter and over the summer we have been to 18 birthday parties.So that is 18 pieces of cake that I did not eat - actully 17 pieces, coz on one occassion I was really hungry.Imagine lining up those 17 pieces of cake - hard to imagine eating that much sugar and fat.So I am telling you this, as it is a powerful example of how a small change can really be good for health.re the bread I buy the best possible grain bread and eat it in moderation.I really agree re eating more protein and I am working on this one too.My daughter has just started school and I am trying to walk every day now.good wishes to you

niffer13, Mar 18, 9:53pm
Write down every thing you eat. I count my points ww style but doing it on my own. My secret is eating poached or scamble egg one only & a slice of vogels for breakfast. Salad & 50grams meat for lunch but getting sick of lettuce so using just tomato cucmber & beetroot. Dinner as usual BUT only very small spud or kumera plenty of other veg tho. Limiting the wine. In the afternoon it is my treat time something sweet for afternoon tea. If it happens to be cake only 1/2 the size I used to have.
Have lost 2kg since Xmas & finding if I go out I eat what I will really enjoy. I do not excerise due to a painful knee.

sarahb5, Mar 18, 10:04pm
I no longer buy wine - not only is it helping my weight loss, it's also helping my wallet.If I go out I will have a drink but by not having it in the house I'm not tempted to one while I make dinner and one while I eat it.

I have also discovered a new "sweet treat" - Sun Rice rice cakes in honey, caramel or apple & cinnamon flavours.OK on their own or with topping of your choice - banana is good although I'm limiting how many bananas I have due to being a higher carb fruit.Occasionally I really pig out and have nutella on them!

valentino, Mar 18, 10:11pm
Saw this and was glued (to the TV) constantly, noted also Jamie Oliver's comments as well, very interesting.

pickles7, Mar 19, 8:10pm
I am on a low carb eating plan right now. I have lost 7 kg, from the 20th January 2012. I cannot see myself going back to eating any other way. It is so simple, I am not hungry, wouldn't say the word "dieting", as I feel I am not.
That is not as good as it could have been but, it is a good weight loss.
The latest loss to my diet is milk. I now have cream in my coffee, and noted straight away my coffee for the day is halved, 4 yesterday as against 8 or 9 a day.

sarahb5, Mar 19, 8:23pm
I don't use the word diet either - our diet is just what we all eat regardless of whether it's good, bad, indifferent or "unusual" - I view what I'm eating now as a lifestyle choice not a quick fix as the changes I have made aren't drastic at all, just tweaks but it's working for my weight loss as well

eljayv, Mar 19, 9:03pm
The book he read about sugar was called Sweet Poison and the video is not available on TVNZ as it was a Chanel 7 piece but can still be viewed there

bedazzledjewels, Mar 19, 9:12pm
Refer to #10 for the title of his new book.

dibble35, Mar 19, 9:49pm
You have to be willing to change for life, i did weight watchers, the only thing thats ever worked for me, I managed to lose 30kg and i was looking good. I was doing a lot of exercise, gym 4-5days a week, kickboxing 2-3 nights a week, walking the dogs. When I was tracking/wrighting it all down I was doing about 9-10hrs exercise a week plus i had a reasonably physical job. Then my knees started to get sore, gave up the kickboxing, xmas came, I put onfew kgs, decided i'd try and lose those few kgs on my own rather than go back to weightwatchers - biggest mistake i made! I'm to scared to weigh myself now, i'm at a similar size as when i first went to weight watchers, so I imagine those 30kgs have just about all gone back on. All in 15 months. So I guess i'm saying if you find something that works for you. preferably where you are accountable for your weight gain/loss with someone else,(weekly weigh ins with a friend or group for example) go for it and stick to it, if you have a bad week or month just keep going, it's easier to re-lose 2-3 kgs than the 30 I should really try and get rid of.

pickles7, Mar 20, 2:33am

lizshaw25, Mar 25, 1:09am
Firstly, weight loss isn't "easy" so you need to change that mindset.It takes determination and will power.There've been days when I've been to the gym half asleep, days when I've been exhausted, days when I've been moody, days when my muscles have been in total pain but you've gotta keep going.Think of the end goal.Visualise the end goal.

Secondly, you can't expect to lose weight with the same diet, and looking back at my previous diet I probably was eating 4000 calories a day, and now I'm down to 2000 including liquids and burn 2200 at the gym every day for example, I still have coffees and orange juice daily (that was my trade - energy drinks for orange juice), I even have chocolate daily (in my muesli bars).

Anyway, the best way is not to cut out everything you like because you won't stick to it, cut out fizzy, cut out other crap.I think cutting energy drinks is how I achieved great weight loss in the first two weeks.

Exercise more, eat less.

It's quite simple but you do need to have willpower, and motivation.

For motivation I read fitness articles, look at my fat photos and look at my skinny photos.It's very motivating.It also helps having clothes in your wardrobe you really want to fit into.

But the first mistake you appear to be making is thinking that it's going to be easy, it's not easy and that's why many people don't do it.

And like others say, it can't be a diet, it has to be a lifestyle change.

samanya, Mar 25, 5:19am
You should show us your photos .I believe there are a few!

lizshaw25, Mar 25, 8:01am
That's correct but I can't upload.Net isn't working on my comp so of you want to see you'll have to go on Facebook.

First name and biggest city in Australia.

falcon-hell, Mar 25, 8:12am
i went for a nosy but couldn't find it-i want to see your pics!

samanya, Mar 25, 8:49am
Some of the pics I've seen in the past.beggar belief!