Right! So. I need to lose weight .

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pickles7, Mar 27, 4:22am
10 kg has gone and more just hovering. I am overjoyed, fit as anything.

homer76, Mar 27, 4:30am
I have to ask, why do you *always* assume that if someone disagrees with you they must be in love with the status quo! I'm sure no one likes being obese. Sigh.

rowie2k, Mar 27, 4:46am
4 hours a day at the gym is excessive and Y U ANGRY! I thought working out because of other people is wrong!

falcon-hell, Mar 27, 5:36am
oi,don't tar us all with the same brush.
maybe i see a little why they give you a hard time.

falcon-hell, Mar 27, 5:37am
awesome pickles-well done you!

frier, Mar 27, 5:50am
Gee give the girl a break, what has she done to you guys ! Sounds like she's committed a murder,don't you think life is too dam short ! Thank god I'm not surrounded by nasty nasty people like yourselves,I've never heard anything quite like it, the bitchiness is just unreal, leave her be for gods sake !

comawhite015, Mar 27, 6:18am
It is difficult to sit by and let it go when someone with such poor workout and diet habits is offering such a strong, strong 'I am correct' opinion to people who are genuinely asking for help on these forums. I will always expect to see a person be given hell if they say 'Orange juice and coffee for lunch is healthy, I am right, you are wrong' (Naturally paraphrasing, but that is what she is saying).

The right to an opinion is a double-edged sword.

pacolson, Mar 27, 6:48am
What Comawhite said.
Bad advice is bad advice, and even if it leads to 'weight loss' doesn't make a terrible diet 'good'
If all you're consuming is fat, sugar, caffeine and just the tiniest bit of fast-food salad, that can't be good for you. You may end up SMALLER, but you won't end up HEALTHIER than if you followed a more realistic and nutritious diet

homer76, Mar 27, 6:57am
It's deserved. Exactly what comawhite said.

lizshaw25, Mar 27, 9:14am
I'm not saying I'm correct and I'm not saying it would work for everyone for example weight watchers wouldn't work for me because I like to call the shots and can be very determined.

All I'm saying is that with a little will power, diet and exercise is enough to lose weight.

Athletes exercise hours a day, I see no issue with regular people doing the same.

Homer, I'm not losing weight for other people.I'm doing it for me but yes, if I'm angry about something then it makes me work harder at the gym.

I just can't see a reason to not do 4 hours+ a day when I have the time to.

aliawesome, Mar 27, 9:28am
So how do you have the time to do 4 hours at the gym per day when you claim to work 91 hour weeks!

lizshaw25, Mar 27, 9:57am
I work 60 hours a week.If I'm not at work, acting or singing I'm at the gym.I go straight after work.

Not owning a tv or having Internet working on my lap top helps.

rowie2k, Mar 27, 10:08am
Athletes are Athletes for a reason, not everyone can be an athlete just like not everyone can be a doctor

A reason for not doing 4 hours is your body will go into shock when you stop, unless you plan to do this 20 hour a week gym stuff forever!

You have already said many times that you are losing weight because people called you fat, so dont sit there saying you are doing it for yourself. Someone called you fat and you went to the gym for 5 hours.

You have been bumping all threads so you can gloat about your crazy weight loss plans and people are telling you that they are crazy

Get over yourself