Right! So. I need to lose weight .

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homer76, Mar 25, 9:50am
You don't want to see those pics. No, really.

aliawesome, Mar 25, 10:01am
Liz I've walked past you several times in the last few weeks, and like I've said at the time, not that you would notice because you're always completely absorbed by your phone, you're still fat. Stop trying to give other people advice about losing weight. You are not a size 8, you're closer to a 12.

rowie2k, Mar 25, 10:41am
Liz Shaw Weight Loss Program involves getting kicked out of the gym for wearing a skirt, riding a bike for 4 hours, being abusive to others and starving herself.

Guess what, shes still FAT

Dont listen to a word Liz says about anything unless its about being a moron, she has a degree in that

zuggle, Mar 25, 6:16pm
Copy the transcript of the Fitzsimon's interview for referring to, as well as watching the video:

falcon-hell, Mar 26, 4:41am
size 12 and shes fat!

lizshaw25, Mar 26, 5:07am
You idiots need to get a life!Seriously, this is getting pretty old and I'm not a size12 anymore but you know what, I don't have time for this.I'm a size 10 and one week off a size 8 so say what you want.

I have better things to do with my time like working out, which I'm doing now at my new gym.

As I say, get a life and stop following me, both in person and online.

lizshaw25, Mar 26, 5:07am
You idiots need to get a life!Seriously, this is getting pretty old and I'm not a size 12 anymore, which i was in early February but you know what, I don't have time for this.I'm a size 10, though i can fit some size 8 clothing and one week off a total size 8 so say what you want.I know the truth and I know what my clothes say.

I have better things to do with my time like working out, which I'm doing now at my new gym.

As I say, get a life and stop following me, both in person and online.

falcon-hell, Mar 26, 5:29am
wow-good for you,size 12 is tiny anyway.

rowie2k, Mar 26, 5:48am
Hey Liz, nobody is following you

aliawesome, Mar 26, 5:49am
I said closer to a size 12, I'm not saying a size 12 is fat, but Liz is pretty short. Her clothes definitely don't fit the way they should.

aliawesome, Mar 26, 5:50am
Not following you, I just said I walked past you. Not my fault we happen to work in the same building.

comawhite015, Mar 26, 5:52am
If you were working out properly you wouldn't have the energy or attention to be cruising trademe forums. You'd be too busy *working*.

lizshaw25, Mar 26, 6:05am
I go for endurance.Of rather cycle steadily for 4 hours burning 2200-2400 calories than only doing an hour and burning a measly 700 calories.

Ali, I'm going to humour you, when did you last walk past me!

And FYI, I've had to throw out half my wardrobe because stuff is too loose.

Also I was size 12 at the beginning of this and I've lost about 15 kilos so please don't bull shit me or call me size 12. It's damn offensive when I am not that size.

I'm done here coz you've really annoyed me you cow.

lizshaw25, Mar 26, 6:05am
I go for endurance.Of rather cycle steadily for 4 hours burning 2200-2400 calories than only doing an hour and burning a measly 700 calories.

Ali, I'm going to humour you, when did you last walk past me!

And FYI, I've had to throw out half my wardrobe because stuff is too loose.

Also I was size 12 at the beginning of this and I've lost about 15 kilos so please don'tcall me size 12. It's damn offensive when I am not that size.

I'm done here coz you've really annoyed me

michellew2k, Mar 26, 6:10am
A size 12 isnt fat.!

lizshaw25, Mar 26, 6:25am
On someone short (161cms) it is.I was size 12-14 when I started this.I won't tell you my starting weight until I'm done but as I say, I am size 10 now and some size 8 clothing fits.

I'm aiming for size 6-8 and it's about a week or two away.

pacolson, Mar 26, 6:39am
Someone who's size 12 who dresses in size 12 will most likely not look fat.
Someone who's size 12 who dresses like they're size 6 so that their clothes bulge like an over-inflated inner tube, will look fat simply because they're presenting themselves poorly.

Someone whose dietary intake is nothing but fat and sugar, probably shouldn't be giving out dietary advice, regardless of how big or small they happen to be ;)

rrrg, Mar 26, 6:42am
Wow what a bitchy forum.what a turn off doesn't matter what the size is!

rowie2k, Mar 26, 6:56am
Your 2200-2400 seems a bit high. I really think you are full of shit

BTW, over exercising, which 4 hours in the gym is, forces your body to retain fat


winnie231, Mar 26, 7:37am
WOW! I guess a lot of folks from general have come visiting recipes recently!
Getting back to what the original poster asked for .
and all the nutritional debates (high protein/low fat/sugar free/carb counting/etc) aside .
a simple & easy step to take is to buy a dinner plate that is 1/3 smaller than your usual ones. Make this your dinner plate & dish up on it accordingly ie. don't over-fill.
Smaller plate = smaller meal.
Smaller meal = less calories :)

vomo2, Mar 26, 7:40am
Chia seeds helped me lose 10 kgs very easily. I put 1 TBSP in my porridge or cereal 6am in the mornings and dont need to eat anything til noon. Smaller portion, WW jellies if you have a sweet tooth and keep walking!

purplegoanna, Mar 26, 7:47am
Nutralife Probiotic P3

lizshaw25, Mar 26, 8:04am
@Rowie2k Can you please explain why I'd lie!I have no reason.I've unblocked you on Facebook.Can we shift this to there.

My diet is as follows:

Breakfast - muesli bar and coffee

Lunch - orange juice and coffee

Dinner - salad and orange juice after the gym.

It works out at 2000 calories.

I do 4 hours of cycling at the gym burning 2000-2300 calories.

Id rather exercise than sit at home whinging about my size, and have you thought that when I weighed myself on the 4th of February I was that angry at my size, and horrified that I can't not exercise.If I'm not at work I'm at the gym and as I say I'll be size 8 in a week or two but I still want to lose a further 5 kilos once I hit that goal.

And have you thought I exercise so much rather than starving myself because I don't intend to gain the weight back!

Rant over.I'm still working out.

aliawesome, Mar 26, 8:13am
All I'm saying is that you're in a terrible position to be giving out weightloss advice as your diet is appalling and you don't exercise effectively at all

pacolson, Mar 26, 8:30am
Working out so hard you can post a novel on trademe!