I am after pink/purple/white pebbles for my daughters 1st Birthday cake and I wondered if anyone would know if or where I could get them from!I need quite a few so buying packs of Pebbles/Smarties wouldn't really be an option as I'd have to buy far too many!I've tried searching on here and Google but I can't come up with much, I'd be very grateful if anyone has seen bulk bins of Pebbles (I don't really want to pick through them all for the pink ones but I will if I have to!) or has any idea if it's even possible to get them.Thanks so much, Mrs W
Feb 19, 6:48pm
Depending how soon you need them this could maybe be an option!
Wow, awesome! I don't need them until May so plenty of time to order them. Thank you SO much sniper03!
Feb 19, 7:40pm
Glad I could help :)
Feb 19, 9:07pm
What a cool website!
Feb 20, 2:56am
Awsome site. i've been wondering the same thing willz29. just want plain thon need them asap. wanting pink and blue, anyone else have any ideas!
Feb 20, 4:14am
why dont you roll balls of coloured icing!
Feb 20, 4:30am
for me i need the pebbles/m&m's otherwise wont taste right as they are for biscults
Feb 21, 12:49pm
Yeah I need them for a cake and for the amount I'm after, balls of coloured icing would not taste good at all. I looked at Countdown in the bulk bins but they are in dispensers that you pull the lever and them come out so picking out particular colours isn't an option. I will go with the above option if I don't have any luck by the end of Feb which gives me plenty of time to order them. If I find anything I'll let you know k.b.moss
Feb 21, 4:45pm
thats willz29 i'll let you know if i find anything to
Feb 21, 4:47pm
That site doesnt seem to ship to NZ - or am I reading it wrong!
Feb 21, 5:21pm
They should ship nz (have had a friend do so for a wedding).found this.
Shipping Outside the U.S. or Canada If you wish to ship products outside the U.S. or Canada, please call Customer Service at 1-888-696-6788, and a representative will gladly assist you with your order.
Feb 21, 6:19pm
k.b.moss I'm pretty certain I have found somewhere that does individual colours! They aren't on their website but I emailed and asked in hope they would be able to help and they can do it, yay!I'm just waiting for an email to confirm that it's all good and then I'll let you know all the details.(I don't want them inundated with emails before I'm 100% certain that it's a done deal)
Feb 22, 1:38am
I was actually suggested the same idea of contacting m&m or cadbury etc and finding out just moving so haven't had time, so that would be great if you could please let me know :)
Feb 22, 4:05am
I'm sure I have seen this question on here before and i'm sure it was a shop from Auckland.Maybe search under the key word.
Feb 22, 12:53pm
kb moss down the bottom of page it states if you dont have time to personalize and just want plain m&ms choose any colour and theres a wheel that you can choose the colours from
Feb 22, 3:58pm
Cheaper to buy this; instead of the Fedex shipping charges.
Argh sorry, I meant to come back sooner but I forgot! The shop is http://lollyshop.co.nz/ they have pebbles but not specifically coloured ones, I emailed and the lady I spoke to was lovely and said it wasn't a problem.They do charge an extra fee for sorting but I was expecting that!I hope it's not too late for you k.b.moss
Feb 27, 11:44pm
hey thats kool just moved house so haven't been online, did they have a ruff idea of price!
Feb 27, 11:59pm
I got a quote of $41.32 + GST for 1kg (minimum order 1kg per colour).Thanks so much munrotti, I hadn't seen that auction! And thank you shop-a-holic, I hadn't even thought to check ebay.
Feb 28, 1:37am
Bulk Bins at the supermarket, just pick out the colours you want.depending on how many you need, but i did the same think for my daughters birthday
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