Does anyone have a recipe for Vlarios.A type of fruit tart with a lattice top, believe originally from Holland or Russia, but it is not pastry, and not quite bread either.Have googled - zilch.
Mar 6, 3:51am
Try this but no recipe yet although gives an idea what they are.
But you need to explore this site further for more ideas.
Mar 9, 12:15am
I know what they are, New World Albany sells them. What I want is a recipe so I can make my own.
Mar 9, 1:11am
Surely then you would have some idea on their tastes and make up.
Yeast doughs are all quite similar, it just comes down the individual ways of putting them together using ingredients that normally one would presume is used, gave those links that perhaps could have given some indication how they are prepared but sounds as though you want it all simply laid out for you.
Sorry, but some of these recipes (including Brand Named ones) are very tightly protected by certain ones for various reasons especially these Dutch pastry items.
Mar 9, 1:29am
Sorry, correction - Instead of Yeast Doughs should had been Pastry doughs, especially the dessert types for those type of tarts.
Mar 9, 3:31am
Try Googling recipes for Vlaai. There may be a small name variation which has made your search confusing. I found many recipes and variations of the Dutchtart named Vlaai. I have included a link with a photo, so you can see if the tarts you buy resemble Vlaai. The pastry is, as you say, not quite pastry, and not quite bread. It is a sweet yeast dough. Hopefully this is what are after.
I guess we are just lucky that we have a pavlova recipe, or icecream, or tomato sauce recipes -some people share.Even restauranters allow the Foodtown mag to publish their recipes.
Mar 13, 8:03pm
True, but some of these Dutch, Danish, etc ways or how certain ones do things are kept to themselves, it is theirs to do what they wish.
The ones you noted are very common but even some will hide their unique recipes as much as they can.
For example - certain Fudges, chocolates, Gourmet foods etc but we thrive also on "Copycats" recipes which are commonly shared.
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