could someone please look up her recipe for malt biscuits for me. Mine is still packed away and I can not get at it and haven't written it down. I had a look in the library but they only have her latest book and that doesn't have it in. Thanks everyone much appreciated.
Feb 5, 2:12pm
Malt Buscuits (1) 4 ounces butter, 4 oz sugar, 1 egg, 1 oz cornflour, 4 oz white flour, 40, Vi-Max, 1 twsp baking pwder, pinch salt, 1 table. malt.Cream butter and sugar, add malt and egg. and beat well.Add sifted dry ingredients, knead and roll out.Cut into shapes, and bake in medium oven 15 to 20 minutes.
Feb 5, 2:15pm
Malt Biscuits (2) quarter pound butter, 1 tables. sugar, 1 tables malt 1 tables golden syrup, 1 small teas. baking soda. 1-1/2 cups flour (scant).Beat butter and sugar well.Heat, but do not boil, the malt, and golden syrup, and stir in the soda.It will come up frothy and toffee-like.Pour this into te butter and sugar, and add flour.Pinch or roll into balls )not to small)Cook until golden brown
Feb 5, 3:44pm
where do you get the malt from!.or do you use something else!
Feb 5, 4:16pm
thanks heaps.
I buy the malt at supermarket, either as plain malt or the one with halibut orange added. Both are nice in baking, but I don't like them very much on there own. Either found with the sugars (golden syrup), baking aisle or in thesupliments (sp) aisle ie where the vitamins and minerals are. Oh and instead of vi-max which you can no longer get I use rye meal flour.
Feb 5, 6:41pm
Used to be given dsp of plain malt.
Feb 5, 8:00pm
We did too jessie and when my children were young, they had a dsp while they were in the bath at night.
Feb 5, 9:48pm
I haven't had it since I was a kiddie, but I loved malt with what I thought was Vitamin C, but halibut oil makes more sense.My mum used to give us a spoonful a day; probably during winter. It was medicinal, and I suppose the malt was to make the fish oil more palatable. But to me it was such a treat. Lovely memory. Thanks jessie and grandma
Feb 5, 10:05pm
Meant to build you up & keep healthy. LOL I certainly didn't need it. Didn't like the Halibut Orange flavour. Some kids had to take Lanes Emulsion!
Still love the malt (Maltexo) and loved the Lanes Emulsion. My boys were bought up with Maltexo and warm milk.
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