Who would like an Alternative Circle of Friends?

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buzzy110, Jan 9, 7:10am
Whilst I have attempted to avoid interaction with you on these boards you seem to want to subject me to negativity and this is the second thread I have started that you have seen fit to honour me with unpleasant attention. Cool.

lyl_guy, Jan 9, 7:19am
With respect buzzy, can I point out that I can't see any 'sabotage' in the thread!It's called discussion.I really don't think you get it. hence your need for a 'support' thread of your own.I wish you luck, I don't wish to sabotage anything/ anyone.cheers.

elliehen, Jan 9, 7:23am
Has it started yet!Is this the 'Alternative Friends' thread!Whatever that means.Is this as good as it gets!

gingercrush, Jan 9, 7:24am

I think there is a need for more than an alternative friends thread. I would suggest a thread for the mentally pathetic.

samanya, Jan 9, 7:25am
The 'friends list' will be interesting.

lyl_guy, Jan 9, 7:36am
Oh.I see what you mean. have just read the 'circle of friends' thread.So, at 7.49 you pop in there, and leave your wee dig, then come in here and post this, at 7.50.I really am starting to believe that people could be needing a support thread about being victimised by you buzzy.I think you enjoy playing games, and not very pleasant ones.

elliehen, Jan 9, 7:40am
fisher wrote:
wow buzzy. I'll say it.you have surpassed yourself. what a cow.can't you take the hint. NO ONE LIKES YOU or your pompous arrogant preaching judgmental attitude.!You never change. Do you have any friends.!That's a rhetorical question so dont answer.
Juliewn. we may have had our differences way back but I think this gesture and surprise is from the heart and will be very well appreciated and I think it will be fun. it's about being together, doesn't matter where or how. its about sharing that time and special memories.I hope things are well for you and yours.
See girls. I told you so.I'd say something to get into trouble. LOL.[quote]
Surely you didn't forget!

uli, Jan 9, 8:58am
And that is exactly where I disagree - either you say something and have your heart and soul behind it - or you shut up.

Personally I am so "over" the English thing of "do not say anything if it is not nice" . By GOD! It would be so QUIET here .

IF all of YOU would stick to that one!


uli, Jan 9, 9:01am
Lovely mix of quotes up there ellie - AND where is actually the "Eggs Benedict" thread!
Did you and your cronies vote it off! Yes!

samanya, Jan 9, 9:04am
Heard of 'social skills'!

uli, Jan 9, 9:09am
Yep = and YOU too!

uli, Jan 9, 9:10am
Hmmm -= I DID notice - you seem to be one 0ne of them .

knowsley, Jan 9, 9:11am
You appear to be slurring. Heavy handed with the cooking sherry!

I'm your biggest fan uli. You bring so much laughter into my world.

nfh1, Jan 9, 9:13am
I think it is an excellent idea buzzy, it will make it so much easier to avoid your unpleasant posts.

yjeva, Jan 9, 9:21am
So instead of keeping the "toxic" posts in the thread they are in, there will be another thread specially to discuss them.Cool!

buzzy110, Jan 9, 9:32am
Oh dear. Oh dear. Sad and sadder.

samanya, Jan 9, 9:41am
Have you started the 'alternative' circle of friends thread yet!
Could be tricky.

hezwez, Jan 9, 8:33pm
Perhaps you could rename it the Circle of Alternative Friends, instead buzzy! Since you seem to have an alternative view of friendship!

pickles7, Jan 9, 8:43pm
There was to my mind only one real bad post on the thread that was voted off. All the voters protected that one poster.
has moderators, something trademe dosn't, but maybe require.
I had a great time in there.

pickles7, Jan 9, 10:08pm
In reply, it is true I have had to deal with a bit of ribbing on these boards,I chose to ignore a few who triedvery hard to upset my threads,. .you see uli and buzzy did not bother me, I rather liked them visiting.
The rantings ofthose that kept telling me I should be upset, did. I am a grown woman, I think for myself.
Name calling is one of the lowest forms of bullying, for an adult to behave in this way is despicable. For those who condone it, you are even trashier.

samanya, Jan 9, 10:22pm
Um.did I call anyone names!
I think not, it's not my style.

uli, Jan 9, 10:48pm
This is quite funny - so we cannot have an opinion in recipes!
How are we to choose what to post then without having an opinion first!
I do like your posts samanya, but that one is a bit strange.

yjeva, Jan 9, 11:00pm
On any board, there is quite a difference between having an opinion, and stating that opinion as dogma.
"Dogma - a belief or principle laid down by an authority as unquestionably true.2 colloq an opinion arrogantly stated."

samanya, Jan 9, 11:05pm
Take note of the words "being patronised by sanctimonious types" .that is the crux of what I was getting at, nothing to do with 'opinion'.

uli, Jan 9, 11:11pm
samanya and yjeva I hope you both have a wonderful day too.