Who would like an Alternative Circle of Friends?

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vmax2, Jan 9, 11:32pm
ENOUGH!If you don't wish to participate in a friendly chat then VAMOOSE!Hi, how's it all going everyone.Differing personalities are very tricky to work with.One needs a bit of tolerance.My very first food mentor was a lot like buzzy and uli.She said exactly what she thought, straight out and abrupt.But I loved her for it.She challenged my thinking of the time and helped me to grow.My children are all different in their personalities.I'm trying to teach them skills such as ignoring what the other person says if it annoys them.Tit for tat silly arguments reduce them to babies.I take it that you are all being affected by the full moon at the moment.However that aside, I wish no one any harm and wish that we could all respect each other, ok.Buzzy please set up a new thread.I'd be interested in chatting with you.

gizmodaisy45, Jan 10, 12:00am
The End. !

samanya, Jan 10, 1:10am
I suspect that you don't realise the irony in your post!
So it's OK for some people to be abrupt & say exactly what they think & not others!
Tolerance is a 2 way street in my world.

gizmodaisy45, Jan 10, 1:11am
hmm, maybe not the end.

samanya, Jan 10, 1:16am
No contribution to the discussion!

gizmodaisy45, Jan 10, 1:21am
lol. i dont know anyone here. I have only posted in receipes once or twice. and have always found people to be really helpful

yjeva, Jan 10, 3:31am
We are all waiting for it to happen. Mostly because I am curious to know just how it is going to differ from any other thread. It seems some people will be allowed to say what they think, straight out and abrupt, but others are not allowed. On a public message board, whatever you call the thread, how do you stop people you don't like from saying what they think, straight out and abrupt!

ant_sonja, Jan 10, 3:43am
I'm all for alternative friends Buzzy, look forward to seeing the new thread :-)

motorbo, Jan 10, 3:45am
so true

pickles7, Jan 10, 3:49am
more cowards

uli, Jan 10, 5:38am
pickles where does all this venom come from that you copy and paste here!
Is it on TM or some other site!

uli, Jan 10, 5:40am
Again: Who says you cannot be abrupt and say exactly what you think or feel like! Certainly not me LOL :) Go for it!

pickles7, Jan 10, 5:42am
here uli

yjeva, Jan 10, 5:52am
Then it obviously wasn't you I was addressing.

samanya, Jan 10, 5:57am
If I did, I'd be banned, for sure.

mbos, Jan 10, 6:02am
Good to see recipes is making parenting looking good, aka posters who would be lucky to be only a few sandwiches short of a picnic. . .

sossie1, Jan 10, 6:05am
sigh. I remember my "Un-Authentic" thread. It was started as a bit of a laugh.

i rarely post in recipes, and that thread got $#@8^$ up! THEN i got FOLLOWED into another thread not even in recipes! and bad mouthed! AND i got accused of having "cronies", when I HARDLY ever post on recipes and therefore didn't know anyone!

Guess who followed me into Health and Beauty and bad mouthed me.

mbos, Jan 10, 6:07am
Could you ask a harder question sossie!Cos that one's not even CLOSE to challenging.

valentino, Jan 10, 6:07am
And one can leave their wee note and run, I put in # 169 for a test, Hmmmm.

mbos, Jan 10, 6:42am
LOL, thanks for that sossie, although I didn't even need to read it to KNOW.

elliehen, Jan 10, 7:46am
I'd like to know why pickles keeps on posting and reposting her own copy and paste of these venomous things.Surely that is masochistic!

Why self-flagellate with such nasty stuff over and over again!If pickles wants attention I'll gladly bump her pickles thread.For a long time I was the only one making any encouraging comments to her as she ploughed on through Worcestershire sauce and vinegar and tin slice and whatever.

I'll go bump it now :)

uli, Jan 10, 8:05am
Really why!
I am not banned - so go for it!

elliehen, Jan 10, 8:14am
I'd forgotten all about that thread.Are you still slurping cheap red sossie1!

samanya, Jan 10, 8:31am
I have no desire to emulate you, uli.

esther-anne, Jan 10, 9:30am
What a friggin' laugh this thread is and I haven't seen a resolution.Just where IS buzzy's new thread.Can't wait to see it and it's members.We shall have buzzy, and uli.and.and.an-
d(join the dots someone please!)

Who supports who (or is that whom!) is never clear to me.I just find the whole thing damn silly!