Who would like an Alternative Circle of Friends?

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buzzy110, Jan 8, 10:22pm
Just thinking that this messageboard could do with two such threads just so we can put our own point of view and have a support group to discuss various posts that are toxic and personal and aimed fairly and squarely at individuals on these boards.

It would be nice to discuss things with people who, themselves, have become victims all too often but have no support group to fall back on and know that we all understand what you are going through and what action we should take. Responding to negativity with negativity is not always the best course of action.

Anyone keen to join in and support each other to keep a sunny outlook and strive for a more balanced messageboard and hopefully, some amity all round! If there are enough of you I, or someone else can begin it and we can strive for our own excellence, at least.

vmax2, Jan 8, 10:25pm
Well done buzzy.Sounds like a great way to start the year, being positive and supporting one another.

buzzy110, Jan 8, 10:27pm
Yes. After yesterday, and the frequent incursions of one particularly abusive and demeaning male poster, it looks like we need to get together and discuss strategy. Plus it would be nice to have some genial conversation sometimes.

buzzy110, Jan 8, 10:36pm
That thread is for discussion of low carb not for discussing how to strategise and cope with the truly toxic posts that emanate from others who have such a support group to crawl back to.

Post 144 of the now deleted Eggs Benedict thread is a prime example of why we require a support group.

elliehen, Jan 8, 10:39pm
Trade Me has a perfectly satisfactory voting system for 'toxic' posts or stupid threads and the deletion of that silly Eggy thread is proof of its success.

pickles7, Jan 8, 10:41pm
A joke is how I see it.
The guilt is there, to see.

pickles7, Jan 8, 10:45pm
has the last post

vmax2, Jan 8, 11:20pm
Buzzy perhaps it would be better to gain support through an alternative avenue away from TM, since these threads can be sabotaged by anyone.

davidt4, Jan 8, 11:20pm
I've always regarded the existing "Circle of Friends" thread as faintly ridiculous, so I wouldn't be keen on getting involved with an alternative one.And this is a public forum after all - look how quickly this thread has been invaded by a pest.

davidt4, Jan 8, 11:22pm
Whose is the foul mouthed last post!

elliehen, Jan 8, 11:27pm
pickles, why point to that post!What is your motive!

nala2, Jan 8, 11:27pm
I think anybody can post to the site without being on the TM MB
That is why it is "Chef Guest"

pickles7, Jan 8, 11:36pm
As foul as only one person can be, but not strong enough to put a name to there post. says it all.

buzzy110, Jan 9, 12:02am
Yes it is faintly ridiculous with the obsession with weather reports, however, when the chips are down, they do have a place where they can go and draw support, however, unwarranted, from a group of like minded individuals.

The voting off of posts and threads is often not successful if done on an individual basis. There is a huge requirement for a number of people to vote. I can see why an alternative Circle would not be a choice that some of the more toxic, or self-advertising Friends would want to see.

davidt4, Jan 9, 12:02am
Give us a clue!I can think of several posters who fit that description.

elliehen, Jan 9, 12:05am
It is certainly 'faintly ridiculous'to begin a thread for 'how to strategise' to deal with toxic posts when Trade Me has its own perfectly adequate ways to Community Watch such posts.

The "Circle of Friends" thread mentioned exists for posters to chat about goings-on both inside and outside of their kitchens, and the chat there is very similar to the chat on any forum of people with a common interest.such as the Low Carb followers on the 'Dark Side'.

The main point of difference is that the "Friends" thread is lacking photos of pets ;)

buzzy110, Jan 9, 12:06am
I can see definite advantages. When it looks like a thread is going to deteriorate, as the Benedict one did yesterday, then a support group would provide the sort of support that would prevent such a thing happening, hopefully and we wouldn't see posts like the one where someone called another a name by corrupting a common saying - nit picker. How totally awful it would be to be on the receiving end of such a nasty, ill-conceived post, and not know that others were thinking about you and supporting you quietly behind the scenes.

buzzy110, Jan 9, 12:28am
What this thread, hopefully will aim to do is deflect the obvious desire of some posters whose sole purpose is to provoke disharmony, incite ridicule and be as demeaning as possible in order to orchestrate emnity toward particular posters and have them appear as the culprits when they obviously are not.

lyl_guy, Jan 9, 1:16am
Surely you can just start one if you want one. it's a public MB, lol!Not sure why you need permission or opinions before starting a thread!
And I agree with elliehen. Uli has shown quite well in 'general' that she can partake in a nice, friendly discussion involving weather and cooking, without any angst.

kiwirose1, Jan 9, 2:27am
Id like to join if thats ok

buzzy110, Jan 9, 3:30am
That would be wonderful kiwirose. Hopefully the thread will have robust discussions about things that are happening.

pickles7, Jan 9, 3:34am
I don't go off half cocked.
When we were in business, I had a staff member tell me another staff member was stealing. We counted up stock etc for a few days, watched carefully, but saw nothing.Well Holiday time came around, for the informant.What a cow!, she wanted us to put off an innocent member of our staff, to pave the way for her return, She excepted her fate, without a flinch.

uli, Jan 9, 3:56am
Or of the latest clothes buys .

uli, Jan 9, 3:59am
This thread has nothing to do with me - it has never been "my thread" - it was started by other people many years (long before ellie even joined) - and some people just kept posting.

Why do you think you need to advertise threads "about" me ellie is a bit of a mystery. Do you get a kick out of finding out the last thing I say!

lyl_guy, Jan 9, 4:13am
I think (and I may be wrong) that ellie just meant 'your' thread as in a 'thread you are participating in' . and pointing out that it was not at all ridiculous to have a friendly, long-standing thread where people talk about the weather, the region, clothes, cooking, or anything they feel like.It's not usually a big deal, that requires it's own special thread, as a precursor to a special thread. but if that's how buzzy feels it should be done, then all power to her.Unless I'm completely missing the point, of course, lol!