Who would like an Alternative Circle of Friends?

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elliehen, Jan 9, 4:15am
You wish ;)

Poster vmax2 was asking elsewhere about your farming and I gave her this link.She is now apparently a regular member of the Hogs thread to which you constantly issue invitations for others to join .especially when you have been posting solo for weeks on end :)

Why are you so defensive about this Hogs Friends thread, of which you are the most frequently posting member!It is just as benign and friendly as the Circle of Friends here in Recipes, with a similar amount of chatter about the weather and kitchens and gardens.

Perhaps it embarrasses you that davidt4 and buzzy110 call threads of this type 'faintly embarrassing';)

buzzy110, Jan 9, 4:17am
Far out!

I see we do have very good reasons to band together for support. I think I will start the thread later on. Even the negativity that has bled through today from one who would prefer we do not unite for the common good is very telling.

uli, Jan 9, 4:20am
It doesn't "embarrass" me, but I find it very peculiar that you take such an interest in what I post where - that you go into a daily search for my postings and then give out threads and links to others.

I have never in my life given out links to where YOU post.And I couldn't care less what you post. I do find it very unhealthy as to what you and others here try to find out about me down to the point of linking my gym newsletters onto here.

Or do you think I should be flattered by all those stalkers on here!

elliehen, Jan 9, 4:27am
One link from me, given out twice.first to vmax2 who is clearly very pleased to have it and now here, where I gave it as an example of a Friends thread where there was chat about the daily lives of like-minded people.

As for the other links or 'daily' searches for your posts.I have no idea what you are talking about.This sounds like a persecution complex!

buzzy110, Jan 9, 4:30am
I sincerely hope you will provide those of us in the thread, the same courtesy we do for those in the other one.

I asked, fyi, because most of us are individuals who do not actually need to gather together to find out how we should be thinking. We make our own decisions based on our own intelligence. However, the "simmering animosity pervading these boards" is making this board very unpleasant for some of us, especially when your leader orchestrates a gang attack on others.

All we require is support and a haven from all the toxicity that can emanate from "nice" people. Even your two posts have the whiff of aggression and confrontation.

knowsley, Jan 9, 4:35am
Can I join, or is it just for old ladies! I'm sure I can make valuable contributions.I can't crochet though, so it better not be a knitting circle. And why is it a circle - that reminds me of pie, and I don't think some on here would tolerate pies. Maybe a flat shape, so some posters can relate it to their idea of the world! And I noticed a spelling mistake too, being the very observant person I am:"Friends" - someone put an "r" in there.

buzzy110, Jan 9, 4:41am
Uli there is a poster in here who delights in provocation. It is counterproductive to allow ones self to become the sport of toxic people with personality defects.

I was unaware of your other interest in another board. I am sure it is a lovely thread and that you feel happy to be associated with it. It is very nice of another poster to bring it to our attention and to point out that you are a very nice and amiable person when not being attacked by controlling people with the aforementioned personality disorders.

buzzy110, Jan 9, 4:45am
I think I will start the other thread after this one has been deleted. Then the very sad sad person who added the final disgusting and very demeaning (to himself) comments can go there and play with himself, in the gutter.

pickles7, Jan 9, 4:46am
So it goes on.

Go back to creating the foul sounding crap you call vinegar you strange old witch, face it you women are the most disliked members on the forum. Go away


knowsley, Jan 9, 4:47am
Good idea. Maybe you can let me know in code where the next thread will be - hopefully he won't follow us.

samanya, Jan 9, 4:51am
It will be great to see 'friends' together in one thread .maybe some will learn not to be sopatronising towards those, who also think for themselves, but agree to differ!

elliehen, Jan 9, 4:55am
.actually, it's easy to be 'very nice and amiable' when everyone is agreeing with you.It's a little more difficult when you are confronted by differing opinions and are unwilling to accept the diversity that is the real world.

That is why the Friends thread was created by charlieb2 - to provide a gentle place for conversation with a non-judgmental, non-confrontational tone.

It works.until the occasional hostile poster pops in ;)Do you want a link to your posts buzzy110!

pickles7, Jan 9, 4:55am
It truley is pathetic.
Shocking behaviour, must be Mum, same behaviour.lookin in here every minute , it is easy to see.

davidt4, Jan 9, 5:25am
You may not be the only person that she is stalking uli !"The Stalker" is a well known stereotype on internet message boards and from what I've read they usually have many prey.

guest, Jan 9, 5:53am
For god's sake -what are you, a bunch of schoolgirls?

samanya, Jan 9, 5:56am
If the 'she' you are referring to is the one I think you mean . it's utter, unfounded nonsense!
You, by singling out one particularposter, are, in fact, indulging in a form of stalking, yourself.

elliehen, Jan 9, 5:58am
Well, we've all archived a few of your interesting recipes from Asian countries.I assumed that's why you posted them.

I'm sorry to disappoint you if you hoped there was any other reason that I should take note of your username ;)

pickles7, Jan 9, 6:02am
are you !

samanya, Jan 9, 6:12am
Not sure what you mean .but there are one or two posters here that are very patronising & off putting( I even saw one make some nasty remarks once, about your good self, something along the lines of being drunk, totally uncalled for)
One classic was a condescending poke at a spelling mistake & she made one herself.you get the drift!
It's sad when someone asks for help & then in come the 'knockers' to put them down for their personal choices in food.
Some people should stop & read what they have posted & remember that it's not WHAT you say .it's the way that you say it.

lyl_guy, Jan 9, 6:29am
Wow.I can assure you that there is not a whiff of aggression or confrontation in my posts above. bemusement is the worst I would call it!And "leader"!I really think you're a bit paranoid (and I'm saying that in the nicest possible way, believe me) if you think there is a 'leader' and therefore implying that I'm a follower.I honestly feel you and Uli need to chill out a bit, and not take this place so darned seriously!Start your new thread if you wish. what I was pointing out was. it's a public place, where you could have ANY thread you wish, up and running by now. why all the angst!I just don't get it.

buzzy110, Jan 9, 6:37am
Truly amazing. I ask posters who think a bit like me, whether they would like to have a support thread started as a place we can go and have our own chats, etc and to provide support against aggressive and demeaning put downs and it has created a furore. It it interesting that those who would not even be interested, are the ones having the most input in this thread. Strangely, most of that input is of a nature that caused me to ask if there are those who would like a refuge.

samanya, Jan 9, 6:40am
"It's not what you say .it's the way that you say it" .know that song!

See you later .I'm off to eat dinner .a perfectly cooked quiche, using only the top quality ingredients, all organically grown buy myself or others & needless to say it will be perfectly presented & my flatmates will claim it delicious.just as your guests or DH does, with your culinary offerings.

buzzy110, Jan 9, 6:50am
I wonder if the posters in here realise that this is not the only thread that can be sabotaged.

kay141, Jan 9, 6:59am
I do because I see sabotage in many threads, not just in recipes.

samanya, Jan 9, 7:08am
I see lots of threads sabotaged, by people pushing their views as the ONLY way.