Marie Claire Sweet - Tiramisu Recipe

rappy, Dec 30, 5:32pm
Does anyone happen to have the Tiramisu recipe from the Marie Claire Sweet series (by Jody Vassallo).I have made this several times but can't find the recipe anywhere now - if anyone has it I would be very grateful!

davidt4, Dec 30, 5:35pm

rappy, Dec 30, 5:53pm
No, unfortunately.
I haven't been able to find it online anywhere.

suzannelg, Dec 30, 6:23pm
It's not in the Marie Claire books Kitchen or seasonal Kitchen :(I don't know how urgently you want the recipe, but you could always try your local library.

rappy, Dec 30, 7:11pm
Thanks suzanne.Our library doesn't have it - I found another library that doe but it's closed until the 3rd.I was hoping to make it for tonight, but I'll have to go with another recipe.The world won't end.Thanks for your help.