Poor student-to-be

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duckmoon, Dec 13, 9:55am
Can I tell pickles where your daughter got her rice cooker from!

duckmoon, Dec 13, 9:56am
No, other way around. Cheaper the better.

sarahb5, Dec 13, 8:23pm
He he - yes of course!She wouldn't have even thought about one if it weren't for you .

sarahb5, Dec 13, 8:27pm
You were lucky - no doubt that was also in the days of free student loans.Unfortunately its not like that now - rents in Wellington are market rents even for students.They have to work to supplement their income - my daughter starts at 8 o'clock on a Sunday morning so markets are out because of that.Her flat didn't have a garden.Current grocery costs are limited to $100 a fortnight so yes she does buy cheap pasta and whatever meat and vegetables she can afford.Tinned tomatoes are cheaper than fresh and pasta sauce is a luxury she cannot afford.She doesn't even buy cheese.She did bake when she first moved into the flat but she was the only one eating it so the cost was all hers so she stopped - the joy of being in a flat with all girls who don't eat cake!So actually things have changed quite a lot for students in recent years so they do have to find the cheapest way to eat just so they can pay the unavoidable bills.

bedazzledjewels, Dec 13, 8:52pm
My advice - like Uli - factor in the cost of fresh veg, eggs and meats BEFORE the cost of alcohol. A good lesson in setting priorities. Good health is vital to being as successful in your studies as you can.
However, if you're being a student to have a good time, then you'll have alcohol cost nearer the top of your budget!

duckmoon, Dec 13, 11:34pm
Sarahb's daughter lived with us for a year. It was her Christmas present. I am pleased it is being well used

sarahb5, Dec 13, 11:38pm
And you can also vouch for the fact that she wouldn't have been awake enough in the morning to organise dinner in the crock pot .

uli, Dec 14, 12:57am
Clever girls is all I can say - cake would be the last thing on my list of things that are necessary to eat well. But there we go . we are all different.

And while young an d bulletproof we can all eat pasta and tinned tomatoes daily without falling over dead or getting sick. And we also do not function as well as others who eat a nice balanced diet with lots of protein.

If that costs 2000 dollars a year more in food costs - how does that compare to better health, less tiredness, better studying, better grades and more successful job interviews later!

It is all about priorities I guess.

sarahb5, Dec 14, 1:18am
Give it up uli - we're never going to agree on this.Can you just accept that please and stop preaching to me every time you post - I'm sick of it.Your way works for you - lets just leave it at that.

kay141, Dec 14, 1:34am
I suspect that was not in NZ either.

fisher, Dec 14, 3:38am
25 bucks for a crockpot in pak n slave. cheap cheap.

uli, Dec 14, 5:45am
They were 19.99 @ the whare whare not long ago. :)

uli, Dec 14, 5:50am
Well isn't it amazing that you do not want to agree "on this" (and everything else)!

And what do you mean by "preaching"! I can post whatever I like - in this instance my own experiences - if you are sick of reading it - then DO NOT read it. I couldn't care less how YOU feel about reading my posts.

I am interested in telling others that there is another way of living . if that is not YOUR way - tough luck! Go away and play somewhere else if you do not like my posts.

Concentrate on the Xmas treats (like cooks and ellie) and leave people in peace that try to impart a bit more knowledge about life, the universe and the human body to those that may be interested.

Have a good holiday!

elliehen, Dec 14, 7:45am
Ramming down the throat like feeding a wretched goose to make paté de foie gras.

sarahb5, Dec 14, 8:42am
Certainly feels like that .Over it - see ya - enjoy the view from your high horse uli

seche-cheveux, Dec 14, 7:58pm
Why is it cheaper the better!

elliehen, Dec 14, 8:33pm
In the case of the rice cooker which is a very simple, uncomplicated kitchen gadget, there is little or no difference between the more and the less expensive.

uli, Dec 15, 4:04am
Which means you can just as well use any cheap pot from the wharewhare and cook your rice in that LOL :)

elliehen, Dec 15, 4:22am
Maybe if you are a small household and hardly ever eat rice that would be fine.

A lot of people who enjoy using their rice cookers like the fact that you can set it going while you're off doing the other preparation for the meal and the rice will stay warm and fluffy until you're ready.

seche-cheveux, Dec 15, 5:34am
Not all expensive items are high quality, and not all cheap items are low quality. As with all electronic appliances, brand, build quality and cook quality are all important.

If we only cared about rice being cooked then we are just as well off using a wooden steamer made from bamboo (Mushiki), and steam our rice from a cheap warehouse pot.

duckmoon, Dec 15, 7:08am
my rice cooker is near the end of it's life. And I will be replacing it.

I asked a Chinese friend - who I know cooks rice for forty people, at least once a week.
My question was " what should I look for in new rice cooker". Thinking he would comment cooking time, and volume, and that lid should be. That you can get budget models, but the really flash ( and expensive) models are better at cooking, etc etc etc.

And he said . You should look for "price" - (implied, low price).

so, I purchased one for twentyfive dollars at moorewilsons. It had the right volume for our famiy (I didn't need a large one).

duckmoon, Dec 15, 7:09am
A saucepan doesn't have theabiity to turn itself off, nor to keep the rice warm for up to twelve hours

uli, Dec 15, 4:57pm
"theabiity" is not going to save you from all the carbs that it will spit out though!

lythande1, Dec 15, 6:04pm
This is poor student we're talking about right. A pot with steamer does the same thing. Rice cooker - biggest waste of money in ages.

greerg, Dec 15, 7:54pm
To be honest Uli I have three kids all of whom have been, or are sucessful students in terms of their marks, scholarships, and heading towards their long term goals and the boys at least seem to have survived pretty well on Watties mixed veg, variations of tinned tomatoes and pasta.Daughter was a bit better.